how to store the info of student in the linked list

LABS 3 0.1
EXAMS 3 0.5

Student Student 1234
PROGRAMS 90 85 88
LABS 99 65 85
EXAMS 67 85 56

John lastname 3456
PROGRAMS 95 90 98
LABS 91 75 90
EXAMS 55 63 92

Anystudent lastname 3568
PROGRAMS 75 60 88
LABS 82 75 90
EXAMS 50 80 75

first create a structure to hold all the information from one student.

Next you will have to know how to open a file and read it, most likely one line at a time. If you don't know how to open a file and read it then you need to study your textbook about FILE, fopen(), and fgets().

Finally you will need to know how to create a linked list of those structures I mentioned above. Again, your text book will show you how to create a linked list.

After you have started writing your code, you can come back here, post the code you have written, and ask specific questions about what you don't understand.

commented: Fully Agreed.. +1
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