Basically I'm trying to tie in 3 different classes by using definitions in one class (reference) in another class(library), and then use the function that uses that object in another class(menu). I realize that I could just dump it all in any one of them and be done with it, but my instructor wants it done like this. Can anyone help?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "Reference.h"

using namespace std;

void reference::viewWord()
	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	cout << i + 1 << ". " << word[i] << endl;
	cout << " " << 	endl;

string reference::getWord()
	ifstream inData;

    inData.open("Words.txt"); // Opens quotes txt.

    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) // A for statement that will be used to house the lines of quotes.txt.
        getline(inData, word[i]);


	return word[5];
string reference::placeWord()
	ofstream outData;
    outData.open("Words.txt"); // Creates the text document addedQuotes.
	cout << " " << endl;
	cout << "To replace a word with your own word." << endl;
	cin >> newWord;
	cout << " " << endl;
    cout << "Please enter the number of the felling that you would like to change then press ENTER." << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
    cin >> overideWord;

	word[overideWord - 1] = newWord;

	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		outData << word[i] << endl;

	cout << "To view your word, please check the file called userWord.txt." << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
	return word[5];


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "Library.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "Reference.h"

using namespace std;

string library::chooseReference()

	cout << "Do you wish to replace a word?" << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
	cout << "Please enter y then the ENTER button." << endl;
	cout << "If not please press any key and enter to continue with the game." << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;

	cin >> chooseWord;

	cout << " " << endl;

		switch (chooseWord)
		case 'Y':
		case 'y':
			cout << "These are all the word." << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;

			cout << " " << endl;
			cout << "Please enter your own word." << endl;
			// The function below is going to allow the user to change one of the quotes.
			cout << " " << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;

			cout << "This is the new list of quotes." << endl;
			cout << "" << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;
			cout << "You now have the option of redoing your word." << endl;

			cout << " " << endl;	
			return "goodbye";


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Menu.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "FirstColor.h"
#include "Library.h"
#include "Reference.h"

using namespace std;

string menu::holdGame()
	color name;
	color line;
	firstColor line1;
	library place;
	reference hey;

	color *secondLine;
	color *anotherLine;
	secondLine = new color("The average of your");
	anotherLine = new firstColor(" numbers and color is ");

	    cout << " " << endl;
		cout << "To play the game, please enter A then ENTER." << endl;
	    cout << " " << endl;
	    cout << "If not enter another key and press ENTER and the game will close." << endl;
	    cout << " " << endl;

		cin >> answer;
		cout << " " << endl;

			switch (answer)
			case 'A':
			case 'a':

				average = (firstNum + secondNum + getNumOfColor()) / 3; // Finds the average of the 3 numbers and stores it.

				// I kept the average in a whole number range becuase it was easier to manage.
				cout << average << "." << endl; // Displays the rounded average of the numbers for the user to see.
				cout << " " << endl;

				cout << "You will be " << hey.word[average - 2] << " today" << 	endl;
				return "Please play again.";
	while(choice = 'Y' | 'y');
		cout << "Do you wish to play again?" << endl;
		cout << " " << endl;
		cout << "Please press y then ENTER to play again." << endl;
		cout << " " << endl;
		cout << "If not press any key then ENTER to exit." << endl;
		cout << " " << endl;
		cin >> choice;
	return "Please play again"; 

void menu::printLine(color *p)

string menu::changeName()
	cout << "There are 5 colors to choose from" << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
	cout << "1. Green" << endl;
	cout << "2. Red" << endl;
	cout << "3. Black" << endl;
	cout << "4. Blue" << endl;
	cout << "5. Yellow" << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
	cout << "Please choose 1 through 5 for the color you want." << endl;
	cout << " " << endl;
	cin >> num;
	cout << " " << endl;

	switch (num)
		case 1:
			return color1;
		case 2:
			return color2;

		case 3:
			return color3;

		case 4:
			return color4;

		case 5:
			return color5;

			return "Good-bye";

int menu::getNumOfColor()
	s = changeName();
	n = s.size();
    return n;

int menu::findFirstNum() throw(int)
			cout << "Please enter a number between 2 and 6 as your first number." << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;
			cin >> firstNum;
			cout << " " << endl;
			if (firstNum > 6)
				throw firstNum;
			else if(firstNum < 2)
				throw firstNum;

		catch (int firstNum)
			cout << "The number you have entered is not between 2 and 6." << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;
		return firstNum;

int menu::findSecondNum() throw (int)
			cout << "Please enter a number between 2 and 6 as your second number." << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;
			cin >> secondNum;
			cout << " " << endl;

			if (secondNum > 6)
				throw secondNum;
			else if(secondNum < 2)
				throw secondNum;

		catch ( int secondNum)
			cout << "Your second number is not between 2 and 6." << endl;
			cout << " " << endl;
		return secondNum;

	color1 = "Green";
	color2 = "Red";
	color3 = "Black";
	color4 = "Blue";
	color5 = "Yellow";

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So what's the problem? Can you break it down to a specific section or method of one of the classes?

Sorry about the wait. I just got in range of some wifi. The problem sorted itself out. I was trying to use composition in the same two classes and it produced an error as a result. Thanks for taking the time to help though.

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