Theanonymous 0 Newbie Poster

Hi I have to implement this code parts

first code
second code
third code

at my code for linkedbinary tree

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename Object>
class LinkedBinaryTree {
  struct Node {						
    Object      element;				
    Node*       parent;					
    Node*       left;					
    Node*       right;					
    Node() : element(Object())				
      { parent = left = right = NULL; }
    Node* sibling() const {				
      return (this == parent->left ? parent->right : parent->left);
  typedef Node* NodePtr;				
  class Position {				
    NodePtr node;				
    Position(NodePtr n = NULL)	
      { node = n; }
    Object& element() const		
      { return node->element; }
    bool isNull() const 		
      { return node == NULL; }
    friend class LinkedBinaryTree;	

  NodePtr    theRoot;			
  int        sz;				
  NodePtr nodePtr(const Position& v) const 	
    { return v.node; }
  bool isExternal(NodePtr n) const 			
    { return (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL); }
  bool isInternal(NodePtr n) const 			
    { return ! isExternal(n); }
  bool isRoot(NodePtr n) const 				
    { return (n == theRoot); }
  void setRoot(NodePtr r)				    
    { theRoot = r;  r->parent = NULL; }
  void replaceElement(NodePtr n, const Object& o)	
    { n->element = o; }
  void swapElements(NodePtr n, NodePtr w) {		
    Object temp = w->element;
    w->element = n->element;
    n->element = temp;	
  void expandExternal(NodePtr n) {			
    n->left   = new Node;	n->left->parent = n;
    n->right  = new Node;	n->right->parent = n;
    sz += 2;
  NodePtr removeAboveExternal(NodePtr n) {	
    NodePtr p = n->parent;
    NodePtr s = n->sibling();
    if (isRoot(p)) setRoot(s);				
    else {
      NodePtr g = p->parent;				
      if (p == g->left)	    g->left  = s;	
      else 		    g->right = s;
      s->parent = g;
    delete n; delete p;					
    sz -= 2;						  
    return s;
    { theRoot = new Node; sz = 1; }
  int size() const  					
    { return sz; }
  bool isEmpty() const 					
    { return (sz == 0); }
  Position root() const 				
    { return Position(theRoot); }
  Position leftChild(const Position& v) const 		
    { return Position(nodePtr(v)->left); }
  Position rightChild(const Position& v) const 		
    { return Position(nodePtr(v)->right); }
  bool isRoot(const Position& v) const 			
    { return isRoot(nodePtr(v)); }
  bool isInternal(const Position& v) const 		
    { return isInternal(nodePtr(v)); }
  bool isExternal(const Position& v) const 		
    { return isExternal(nodePtr(v)); }
  void replaceElement(const Position& v, const Object& o)
    { replaceElement(nodePtr(v), o); }			
  void swapElements(const Position& v, const Position& w)
    { swapElements(nodePtr(v), nodePtr(w)); }	
  void expandExternal(const Position& v)
    { expandExternal(nodePtr(v)); }			    
  Position removeAboveExternal(const Position& v)	
    { return Position(removeAboveExternal(nodePtr(v))); }

class Int {
       Int() { counter++; num = counter; }       
        static int counter;
        int num;
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Int i);                               

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Int i)
{ out << i.num << " ";
  return  out;

typedef LinkedBinaryTree<Int> Tree;
typedef Tree::Position Position;

void binaryInorderPrint(const Tree& T, const Position& v) 
{ if (T.isInternal(v))        
     binaryInorderPrint(T, T.leftChild(v));
  cout << v.element();      
  if (T.isInternal(v))        
     binaryInorderPrint(T, T.rightChild(v));

int Int::counter = 0;

int main()
{ LinkedBinaryTree<Int> btree;
  binaryInorderPrint(btree, btree.root());  
  cout << endl;
  binaryInorderPrint(btree, btree.root());  
  return 0;

but I have no idea how can some one take me some idea ?

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