sijothomas 0 Newbie Poster

Dear friends...
Here i am trying to use openCV in java using NETBEANS(windows XP).., For that i did the following ..

1-Install OpenCV-2.2.0-win32-vs2010.exe in C:\openCV
2-Then i put the javaCV and JNA in the library (System path.)
3-The i use thae following code in the netbeans

package samplejavacv;

import static com.googlecode.javacv.jna.cxcore.*;
import static*;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.jna.highgui.*;

public class sample {

    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
        try {

            IplImage Iimg=cvLoadImage("C:\\Documents and Settings\\All                                                               Users\\Documents\\My Pictures\\Sample Pictures\\Sunset.jpg");

        catch(Exception f) {



4- But i got the following exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'cxcore': The specified module could not be found.

        at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.loadLibrary(
        at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance(
        at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance(
        at com.googlecode.javacv.jna.Loader.load(
        at com.googlecode.javacv.jna.cxcore.<clinit>(
        at com.googlecode.javacv.jna.highgui.<clinit>(
        at samplejavacv.sample.main(
Java Result: 1

5-Then what should i do ....please help
6- Remember some site mention that it need to build the openCV , if it need how can i do that please help...

Anyway thanks in advance .....
Happynew year