Hi there, hope you guys are having a good start of 2011.

I want to download the html code of any article on wikipedia. I am able to find wikipedia's ip and establish a connection, but how do i reach articles? also i tried using send() and recv(), i was able to send streams of data but when i tried to receive, the function returns 0, meaning wikipedia closed the connection.

I only started working with network programming a couple of days ago so please bear with me.

Hi there, hope you guys are having a good start of 2011.

I want to download the html code of any article on wikipedia. I am able to find wikipedia's ip and establish a connection, but how do i reach articles? also i tried using send() and recv(), i was able to send streams of data but when i tried to receive, the function returns 0, meaning wikipedia closed the connection.

I only started working with network programming a couple of days ago so please bear with me.

Update: Turns out im not having problems with the code. In the unix console when i try to connect, it gets established aswell and then suddenly dropped. So this is no longer a c problem, should i mark the thread as solved? new to this.

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