So the assignment is to make a Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard Player that plays against another student's player without using any Random generation for 100000 trials. We are supposed to be able to detect the patterns/sequences in the other player by storing their past moves and looking for any repeating sequences.

I'm doing a code in which I store the past moves in a two-dimensional array (but i don't really find a use for the second dimension?), and I keep checking if there is any repeating sequences within the past moves every time as the number of trials increase. But my code is piling up, I want to put it in a loop in which I can just run it for the number of turns that has happened.

Here's the part where I do the check, it's a lot of coding and I'm trying to figure out a way to compress it. Also, is there any way to store the past opponent moves using perhaps multi-dimensional arrays? Apparently, the teacher said that it would be good if we could do that, but I couldn't really think of a way in which it could be useful.

if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-2][0]) 
			return 1;//one repeating move

		if (turnNumber>=4)
			if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-3][0])
				return 2;//two moves switching back and forth

			if (turnNumber>=6)
				if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-4][0])
					return 3;//three moves switching back and forth
				if (turnNumber>=8)
					if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-5][0])
						return 4;//four moves switching back and forth

					if (turnNumber>=10)
						if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-6][0])
							return 5;//five moves switching back and forth

						if (turnNumber>=20)
							if ((pastOppMoves[turnNumber-1][0]==pastOppMoves[turnNumber-11][0])
								return 6;

static int test2(int T, int[] M, int LIMIT) {
        System.out.println("LIMIT " + LIMIT);
        System.out.println("T " + T);
        int B = 2;
        int H = B / 2;
        while (LIMIT > B) {
            System.out.println("B " + B);
            int counter = 0;
            if (T >= B) {
                for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
                    System.out.println("[" + (T - H + i) + "," + (T - B + i) + "]");
                    if (M[T - H + i] == M[T - B + i]) {
                    // System.out.println("[" + M[T - H + i] + "," + M[T - B + i] + "]");
                if (counter == H) {
                    return H;
            B += 2;
            H = B / 2;
        return 0;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int LIMIT = 30;
        int T = 2;
        int[] M = new int[200];
        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
            M[i] = i;
        while (T < 30) {
            int R = test2(T, M, LIMIT);
            System.out.println("---- " + R);


1.change names
2.parametrize relations
4.count lines with == , transform logical && to arithmetical +
5.found step for B
6.found while-condition-loop
7.write negative test with own indexed array
                    B += 2; // B = 8;
                    int H = B / 2;// 4
                    int counter = 0;
                    if (T >= B) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
                            if (M[T - H + i] == M[T - B + i]) {
                        if (counter == H) {
                            return H;
                        if (
                        (M[T - H-3] == M[T - B-3])
                        && (M[T - H-2] == M[T - B-2])
                        && (M[T - H-1] == M[T - B-1])
                        && (M[T - H] == M[T - B])
                        ) {
                        return 4;//four moves switching back and forth

Read about Markov chain

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