I've tried to make a program that will sort the results of a competition, by asking the user the number of competitors, then the name and score of each one.
It worked but now i have to make it recognize when two or more people get the same score (that is) they have the same position, and that the number of extra people on a position will be the number of position that will be omitted before it continues ranking the others. Here is what i have done, so far,

# Filename: result_sorter.py
# A Program that's sorts results
# Obasa Adegoke - 18/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

# This function allows the user to quit at any time in the program
def quitter(word):
    """ Allows the user to quit at any time"""

    if word.upper() == "Q":

def result_sorter():
    play_again = 'yes'
    while play_again == 'yes' or play_again == 'y':
        # This line asks the user for the number of values
        count = input("Number")
        count = int(count)

        # Initialize the various lists to be used
        name = []
        score = []
        sorting = []
        # The Various names and respective scores are added to the lists
        for i in range(count):
            # this line accepts the name
            temp1 = input("name")
            temp1 = str(temp1.title())

            # this line accepts the respective score
            temp2 = input("score")
            temp2 = int(temp2)

        # Scores are sorted in ascending order

        print("\t Postion \t Name \t \t Score")
        n = 1
        k = count
        while n!= count +1:
            rank = sorting.pop(0)
            index = int(score.index(rank))
            name_sort = name[index]
            print('\t {0} \t \t \t {1} \t \t {2}'.format(k, name_sort, rank))
            n += 1
            k -= 1

        play_again = input("Do you want to sort again [y or n]")
        play_again = play_again.lower()

print(" Result Sorter ".center(40, '*').center(70))
print(" version 1.0 ".center(40, '*').center(70))
print('To quit at anytime just type [q]'.center(70))
print("copyright 2011".center(70))

Will love to know how i can make it do this, and also how i can make it print from top to bottom instead of bottom to top.
Thanks in advance.

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To associate name and score you would use a list, tuple or dictionary of pairs, so as to keep them together. The name and score that you print do not necessarily go together. The Python sorting HowTo is here.

import operator

name_score = []

## example data
name = "Joe"
score = 5 
name_score.append([name, score])

name = 'Steve'
score = 2
name_score.append([name, score])

name = 'Mike'
score = 7
name_score.append([name, score])

print name_score

name_score.sort()   ## in name order
print "\nname order", name_score

## itemgetter[1] = memory offset X 1 = second item = score
score_sorted = sorted(name_score, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
print "\nscore order", score_sorted
commented: Thanks +1

Thanks woooee
Will try to read more on the operator module, thanks again.

I'm sorry I forgot something, how about when i want to add positions, and two or more persons have the same scores, how do i go about doing things like that, i still trying to work on that.

Well this is what i now have, thanks for the help

# Filename: result_sorter.py
# A Program that's sorts results
# Obasa Adegoke - 18/04/11(dd/mm/yy)

import operator

# This function allows the user to quit at any time in the program
def quitter(word):
    """ Allows the user to quit at any time"""

    if word.upper() == "Q":

def result_sorter():
    play_again = 'yes'
    while play_again == 'yes' or play_again == 'y':
        # This line asks the user for the number of values
        count = input("Number\n".center(70))
        count = int(count)
        # Initialize the various list to be used
        name_score = []
        # The Various names and respective scores are added to the lists
        for i in range(count):
            # this line accepts the name
            name = input("Competitor\n".center(70))
            name = str(name.title())
            # this line accepts the respective score
            score = input("Competitor's score\n".center(70))
            score = int(score)
            name_score.append([name, score])

        # results in raw form
        print("|                                |".center(70))
        for i in name_score:

        # results sorted

        # results in name order
        print("|                                |".center(70))
        print("Results sorted in name order".center(40).center(70))
        for i in name_score:
            print('-'.center(20, '-').center(70))

        score_sorted = sorted(name_score, key = operator.itemgetter(1))

        # results in rank order
        print("|                                |".center(70))
        print("Ranked results".center(40).center(70))
        for i in score_sorted:

        play_again = input("Do you want to sort again [y or n]")
        play_again = play_again.lower()

# start program
print("|       Result Sorter v1.0       |".center(40).center(70))
print('|To quit at anytime just type [q]|'.center(70))
print("|                                |".center(70))
print("|         copyright 2011         |".center(70))

how did I do.

You could use itertools.groupby which has a nice example right in the docs.
Once you have the groups, just calculate the ranking: All the folks in the first group tie for 1st place. All the folks in the second group tie for (count of 1st-place people + 1); All in the Nth group tie for place (sum of people in previous groups)+1

Or you can keep the original, sorted by points list and record the points where number of points change + 1 (or enumerate starting from 1) as position for that many points in dictionary.

import random

COUNT = 20

points = [random.randint(1, MAXPOINTS) for count in range(COUNT)]
print('Points unsorted', points)
points_sorted = sorted(points, reverse = True)
print('Points sorted', points_sorted)

positions = dict()
prev = float('inf')

for place, p in enumerate(points_sorted, 1):
    if prev > p:
        positions[p] = place
for player_no, p in enumerate(points, 1):
    print('Player %i, points %i, position %i' %(player_no, p, positions[p]))
commented: Thanks again. +6

You could use itertools.groupby which has a nice example right in the docs.
Once you have the groups, just calculate the ranking: All the folks in the first group tie for 1st place. All the folks in the second group tie for (count of 1st-place people + 1); All in the Nth group tie for place (sum of people in previous groups)+1

itertools seems to be very good,I'll check it out, thanks a lot.

Or you can keep the original, sorted by points list and record the points where number of points change + 1 (or enumerate starting from 1) as position for that many points in dictionary.

import random

COUNT = 20

points = [random.randint(1, MAXPOINTS) for count in range(COUNT)]
print('Points unsorted', points)
points_sorted = sorted(points, reverse = True)
print('Points sorted', points_sorted)

positions = dict()
prev = float('inf')

for place, p in enumerate(points_sorted, 1):
    if prev > p:
        positions[p] = place
for player_no, p in enumerate(points, 1):
    print('Player %i, points %i, position %i' %(player_no, p, positions[p]))

Thanks a lot, i will try and read through this understand and implement, thanks again for the help.

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