I am trying to create a 3D vector and then populate it with values. Firstly I want to create a 3D vector of size 100 with all initial values set to zero. I know that to do this in the 1D case the code would read as follows:

vector<float> vec (100, 0)

I want to do the same thing with a 3D vector. How would the code look? I'm guessing something like

vector<vector<vector<float> > > vec (100,0);

Next, I want to assign certain entries of the vector. In the 1D case I would write something like:

vec.at(3) = 5.336

How do I index a 3D vector like this?

I want to do the same thing with a 3D vector. How would the code look?

You can do it like this:

vector<vector<vector<float> > > vec (5, vector<vector<float> > (5, vector<float> (5, 0) ) );

The above creates a 5 x 5 x 5 3D vector, with all initial values set to zero.

How do I index a 3D vector like this?

You can do it like this:

vec.at(1).at(2).at(3) = 5.5;

//or, if you don't want bounds checking...

vec[1][2][3] = 5.5;

However, for performance reasons, it would be better to create
a wrapper around a 1D vector that mimics 3D behaviour, like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template <class T>
class Vector3D

    Vector3D(unsigned size_i_, unsigned size_j_, unsigned size_k_):
        size_i(size_i_), size_j(size_j_), size_k(size_k_)
        { data.resize(size_i*size_j*size_k); }

    Vector3D(unsigned size_i_, unsigned size_j_, unsigned size_k_, const T & default_value):
        size_i(size_i_), size_j(size_j_), size_k(size_k_)
        { data.assign(size_i*size_j*size_k, default_value); }

    T & operator () (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k)
        { return data[i*size_j*size_k + j*size_k + k]; }

        // or, if you want bounds checking...
        // data.at(i*size_j*size_k + j*size_k + k);

    const T & operator () (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k) const
        { return data[i*size_j*size_k + j*size_k + k]; }

        // or, if you want bounds checking...
        // data.at(i*size_j*size_k + j*size_k + k);


    // more member functions
    // (e.g. resize etc...)



    unsigned size_i;
    unsigned size_j;
    unsigned size_k;

    std::vector<T> data;

int main()
    Vector3D<int> v3d(2,3,4,100);

    v3d(1,2,3) = 0;

    std::cout << v3d(0,1,2) << std::endl;
    std::cout << v3d(1,2,3) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Finally, you can always use boost::multi_array -> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/libs/multi_array/doc/index.html

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