Meant mostly for windows, uses system("cls") although you can simply set USE_NON_STANDARD_CLS to false and it will use newlines to clear screen. Test it out.

* Note: Use at own risk, this is just for fun
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

const bool USE_NON_STANDARD_CLS = true; //if false use system("cls") else print new line characters
const unsigned SCREEN_WIDTH = 40; //screen width
const unsigned SCREEN_HEIGHT = SCREEN_WIDTH; //screen height
const char BACKGROUND = ' '; //what the background of the screen will be filled with
const float ROTATION_SPEED = 15; //rotation speed

typedef std::vector<std::string> ScreenType; 

void clearScreen(unsigned n = 0){
		while(n--) std::cout << "\n";
float toRadians(const float degree){ return degree * 0.0174532925f; }
void initScreen(ScreenType& screen){
	screen = ScreenType(SCREEN_HEIGHT,std::string(SCREEN_HEIGHT,BACKGROUND));
void setupScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model){
	const unsigned diffSize = SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size();
	const std::string screenRow = model + std::string(diffSize,BACKGROUND);
	screen[0] = screenRow;
void transformScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model, const float rotationInDeg = 0.0f){

	//reset it

	const float theta = toRadians(rotationInDeg);	
	const unsigned MID_X = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
	const unsigned MID_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT /2;
	const unsigned X_OFFSET = (SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size())/2;
	const unsigned Y_OFFSET = X_OFFSET;

	for(unsigned i = 0; i < model.size(); ++i){
		const float cosTheta = cos(theta);
		const float sinTheta = sin(theta);
		const int x = i;
		const int y = 0;
		float xPrime = x * cosTheta - y * sinTheta;
		float yPrime = x * sinTheta + y * cosTheta;
		int newX = int(ceil(xPrime + X_OFFSET));
		int newY = int(ceil(yPrime + Y_OFFSET));
		screen[newY][newX] = model[i];
void displayScreen(const ScreenType& screen){
	struct _displayPixels{
		void operator()(const std::string& pixels){ std::cout << "\t\t" << pixels << "\n";}
void updateScreen(ScreenType& screen,const std::string& model, const float rot){
void displayInfo(){
	std::cout << "\n\nProcuded by firstPerson(D.Chhetri), use at your own risk!\n";
int main(){
	using namespace std;		

	bool done = false;

	ScreenType screen;
	const std::string model = "Hello WORLD!";	
	assert(model.size() < SCREEN_WIDTH/2);

	float rotation = 0;
	long timeStart = clock();
		rotation += ROTATION_SPEED;
		if(rotation > 360.0f || rotation < -360.0f) rotation = 0.0f;
			cout << "Time Running: " << (clock()-timeStart)/1000.0f << " sec \n";

Just a picking nits, but USE_NON_STANDARD_CLS is pretty useless if you are using #include <windows.h> .
I cant comment otherwise as I do not have access to a Windows machine currently.

Yea your right use this,

* Note: Use at own risk, this is just for fun
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

#ifdef __unix__
	#include <unistd.h>
	void clearScreen(){ system("clear"); }
#elif defined _WIN32
  #include <windows.h>
  void clearScreen(){ system("cls"); }
	void clearScreen(){ std::cout << "\n";}

const bool USE_NON_STANDARD_CLS = true; //if false use system("cls") else print new line characters
const unsigned SCREEN_WIDTH = 40; //screen width
const unsigned SCREEN_HEIGHT = SCREEN_WIDTH; //screen height
const char BACKGROUND = '*'; //what the background of the screen will be filled with
const float ROTATION_SPEED = -15; //rotation speed

typedef std::vector<std::string> ScreenType; 
float toRadians(const float degree){ return degree * 0.0174532925f; }
void initScreen(ScreenType& screen){
	screen = ScreenType(SCREEN_HEIGHT,std::string(SCREEN_HEIGHT,BACKGROUND));
void setupScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model){
	const unsigned diffSize = SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size();
	const std::string screenRow = model + std::string(diffSize,BACKGROUND);
	screen[0] = screenRow;
void transformScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model, const float rotationInDeg = 0.0f){

	//reset it

	const float theta = toRadians(rotationInDeg);	
	const unsigned MID_X = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
	const unsigned MID_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT /2;
	const unsigned X_OFFSET = (SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size())/2;
	const unsigned Y_OFFSET = X_OFFSET;

	for(unsigned i = 0; i < model.size(); ++i){
		const float cosTheta = cos(theta);
		const float sinTheta = sin(theta);
		const int x = i;
		const int y = 0;
		float xPrime = x * cosTheta - y * sinTheta;
		float yPrime = x * sinTheta + y * cosTheta;
		int newX = int(ceil(xPrime + X_OFFSET));
		int newY = int(ceil(yPrime + Y_OFFSET));
		screen[newY][newX] = model[i];
void displayScreen(const ScreenType& screen){
	struct _displayPixels{
		void operator()(const std::string& pixels){ std::cout << "\t\t" << pixels << "\n";}
void updateScreen(ScreenType& screen,const std::string& model, const float rot){
void displayInfo(){
	std::cout << "\n\nProcuded by firstPerson(D.Chhetri), use at your own risk! Press enter to start\n";
int main(){
	using namespace std;		

	bool done = false;

	ScreenType screen;
	const std::string model = "Hello WORLD!";	
	assert(model.size() < SCREEN_WIDTH/2);

	float rotation = 0;
	long timeStart = clock();

		rotation += ROTATION_SPEED;
		if(rotation > 360.0f || rotation < -360.0f) rotation = 0.0f;				
		//cout << "Time Running: " << (clock()-timeStart)/1000.0f << " sec \n";			
* Note: Use at own risk, this is just for fun
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

#ifdef __unix__
	#include <unistd.h>
	void clearScreen(){ system("clear"); }
#elif defined _WIN32
  #include <windows.h>
  void clearScreen(){ system("cls"); }
	void clearScreen(){ std::cout << "\n";}

const unsigned SCREEN_WIDTH = 40; //screen width
const unsigned SCREEN_HEIGHT = SCREEN_WIDTH; //screen height
const char BACKGROUND = '*'; //what the background of the screen will be filled with
const float ROTATION_SPEED = -15; //rotation speed

typedef std::vector<std::string> ScreenType; 
float toRadians(const float degree){ return degree * 0.0174532925f; }
void initScreen(ScreenType& screen){
	screen = ScreenType(SCREEN_HEIGHT,std::string(SCREEN_HEIGHT,BACKGROUND));
void setupScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model){
	const unsigned diffSize = SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size();
	const std::string screenRow = model + std::string(diffSize,BACKGROUND);
	screen[0] = screenRow;
void transformScreen(ScreenType& screen, const std::string& model, const float rotationInDeg = 0.0f){

	//reset it

	const float theta = toRadians(rotationInDeg);	
	const unsigned MID_X = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
	const unsigned MID_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT /2;
	const unsigned X_OFFSET = (SCREEN_WIDTH - model.size())/2;
	const unsigned Y_OFFSET = X_OFFSET;

	for(unsigned i = 0; i < model.size(); ++i){
		const float cosTheta = cos(theta);
		const float sinTheta = sin(theta);
		const int x = i;
		const int y = 0;
		float xPrime = x * cosTheta - y * sinTheta;
		float yPrime = x * sinTheta + y * cosTheta;
		int newX = int(ceil(xPrime + X_OFFSET));
		int newY = int(ceil(yPrime + Y_OFFSET));
		screen[newY][newX] = model[i];
void displayScreen(const ScreenType& screen){
	struct _displayPixels{
		void operator()(const std::string& pixels){ std::cout << "\t\t" << pixels << "\n";}
void updateScreen(ScreenType& screen,const std::string& model, const float rot){
void displayInfo(){
	std::cout << "\n\nProcuded by firstPerson(D.Chhetri), use at your own risk! Press enter to start\n";
int main(){
	using namespace std;		

	bool done = false;

	ScreenType screen;
	const std::string model = "Hello WORLD!";	
	assert(model.size() < SCREEN_WIDTH/2);

	float rotation = 0;
	long timeStart = clock();

		rotation += ROTATION_SPEED;
		if(rotation > 360.0f || rotation < -360.0f) rotation = 0.0f;				
		//cout << "Time Running: " << (clock()-timeStart)/1000.0f << " sec \n";			
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