Peacer 0 Newbie Poster

Let's say the website has this code:

What it does is each time you load the page the script generates a random number and loads the appropriate image. Let's just say that the image is an image of that number and this website displays this random number in text form below it. To the user looking at the site you'll see the image with a number on it, and below it you see the number in text form, and you can right click save as the image no problem.

But if I were to load the page in Python I would have the number in text form, let's say "4", and have the url to the image. And if I were to save that image through the URL I would get an image of a different number let's say "7". The problem is that when it saves the image with the URL in Python it reloads what the image actually is. I'm wondering if there is a way in Python to save all the images on the page when it is loaded and have the number image match up to the one in the text. I would really appreciate the answer to this problem.

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