Dear Experts,

I am new to the LinkedList concept and trying out coding a LinkedList problem which require me to do Insert newInteger based on the Index, Remove Index and Change oldInteger to newInteger based on Index.
Please kindly advice what i should code in my

public void insert(int index, int newInteger) {
        // implementation

    public void remove(int index) {
        // implementation
    public void change(int index, int newInteger) {
        // implementation

Sample input

4 8
1 5 2 3
I 1 2
R 2
C 1 10
I 4 2

Sample output


Here is my full code:

import java.util.*;

//use ListNode to represent the integers.
class ListNode {
    protected Object element;
    protected ListNode next;

    public ListNode(Object item){
        element = item;
        next = null;
    //declare constructors
    public ListNode(Object item, ListNode n){
        element = item;
        next = n;
    //get the next list node
    public ListNode getNext(){
    public Object getElement(){
        return this.element();

class LinkedList {
    // declare the member field
    protected ListNode head = null;
    protected int num_nodes = 0;

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return (num_nodes == 0);

    /* add: add a listNode to the linklist
     * 		PRE-Condition  :
     * 		POST-Condition :
    public void add(ListNode listNode) {
        // implementation
        head = new ListNode (item, head);
        num_nodes ++;

    /* insert: insert a newInteger at index
     * 		PRE-Condition  :
     * 		POST-Condition :
    public void insert(int index, int newInteger) {
        // implementation

    /* remove: remove the element at index
     * 		PRE-Condition  :
     * 		POST-Condition :
    public void remove(int index) {
        // implementation

    /* change: change the integer at index with newInteger
     * 		PRE-Condition  :
     * 		POST-Condition :
    public void change(int index, int newInteger) {
        // implementation

    /* isBetter: to compare between this linkedList with prevLinkedList
     * 		PRE-Condition  :
     * 		POST-Condition :
    public String isBetter(LinkedList prevLinkedList) {
		// picking the integers in the newLinkedList and find out the difference between integers in the prevLinkedList
		// and sum the difference up.
		// if the sum of difference is more than K, return "YES"
		// else return "NO"
        int ans = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<prevLinkedList.size(); i ++){
            prevLinkedList.element - element = ans;
        return "YES";

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // declare the necessary variables
        //int [] array;
        LinkedList <Integer>list = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        int N; //indicate the size of array
        int K; //indicate the citeria
        int Q; //indicate the no.of entry
        String operator; //indicate if it is for insert, remove or change
        int index; //indicate the first input of operator
        int newInteger; //indicate the second input of operator
        int sum;

        //declare a Scanner object to read input
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        N = sc.nextInt();
        K = sc.nextInt();

        list = new int [N];

        for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){

        Q = sc.nextInt();

        for (int i=0; i<Q; i++){
            operator =;

            if(operator = "I"){
                index = sc.nexInt();
                newInteger = sc.nextInt();
                //int post = index -1;
            else if (operator = "R"){
                index = sc.nextInt();
            else if (operator = "C"){
                index = sc.nextInt();
                newIntegter = sc.nexInt();
                //int post = index -1;

Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

Hmm... There are many places you need to update in your code. I will start with "main" method first.

In main() method:
1.You declared K but I don't see you use it anywhere? What criteria are you going to use?

2.In line 117, 122, and 125, you are assigning the string to "operator". The symbol of one equal (=) means assigning the value on the right to the variable on the left. What you really need to use is equality which is 2 equal signs (==) for testing equality. Better yet, you should use equals() method to compare if it is String class. You can check the class API document at

3.In line 131, you are calling for variable isBetter of the ListNode class (and the variable does not exist!) rather than a method isBetter().

In LinkedList class definition:
4.In add() method line 41, you are supposed to either create a new list by assigning the new list to the "head" of the list or entail a new node to an existing list. At the moment, what you do is to assign the incoming node to the head. As a result, you keep replacing the "head" with a new node while you keep counting number of nodes. What you should do is somewhat like...

if (head==null) {  // the list is empty, start a new list
  head = new ListNode (item);  // 1st form of constructor, no need the next node
else {  // the list exists, go to the end of the list and entail it
  ListNode currentNode = head;  // think of it as 2 references pointing to the same node
  while (!=null) {  // if the next node is null, it is the end of the list
    currentNode =;  // traversal to the next node
  // after the loop, the currentNode will hold the last node in the list
  // entail it with a new node = new ListNode(item);  // still 1st form of constructor
num_nodes ++;

5.You need to implement remove(), change(), etc...

In ListNode class definition:
6.This is an awkward implementation of a class. If the class uses "Object" as type, it is very ambiguous. I understand that you may sometimes want to use the class for different type, but using "Object" shouldn't be a way to go. You could use Generic type as <E> or something. I understand that in your case you may accept a String or a number to the class. And when you do the isBetter(), you will need to cast the type and convert to an integer. I believe that this is the class that you get from your instructor... Your instructor needs to learn the right way of programming concept. :(

Note: Your 2nd form of constructor may not be used at all in your assignment, so you may not need to care for. It is to create a new node and use the incoming node as its next in the list... Not really useful here.

I am new to the LinkedList concept

I would strongly suggest reading Wikipedia for a good explanation of Linked Lists as well. It may help you to grasp the concept a bit better:

I think reading the concept is not good enough for him as you can see how he code. He also needs to read more on the language as well. :(

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