jayden118 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all, I'm new to c++ and currently i need to write a program to open csv file and store all data into a vector of double. After trying my codes for few days, i have encountered a problem. I couldn't load all columns of csv data into an array.Please help me to check my codes where is the problem.

My main function codes:

while (getline(inFile, line))
		double item[3];
		int nearestID	= CSOINN::NOT_FOUND;

		istringstream lineStream(line);
		for(j = 0; j < 3; j++){
		lineStream >> item[j];
		cout << "item: " <<item[j] <<endl;
		signal = &item[j];
cout << endl;
cout << "Input finished processing, classifying..." <<" " <<endl;


return 0;

Then "signal" should contain all the data from csv.file's column and pass data to InputSignal function.

bool CSOINN::InputSignal(const double *signal){

FindWinnerAndSecondWinner(winner, secondWinner, signal);


bool CSOINN::FindWinnerAndSecondWinner(int &winner, int &secondWinner, const double *signal){
dist = Distance(m_nodeInfo[i].m_signal, signal);

double CSOINN::Distance(const double *signal1, const double *signal2)
	int i;
	double sum;
	double error;
	if (signal1 == NULL || signal2 == NULL) return 0.0;
	error = 0.0;
	sum = 0.0;
	for (i=0; i<m_dimension; i++)
		sum += (signal1[i]-signal2[i])*(signal1[i]-signal2[i]);
	return sqrt(sum)/(double)m_dimension;

How can i use a pointer to store all data from the csv.file's column and pass to these functions?hope you can help me out. I have been stuck for few days ago..

My CSV file data sample as below:
1223134360 13016 722 809 0.008 0 -0.002
1223134360 13017 612 723 0.012 0 -0.003
1223134360 13018 590 627 0.015 0 -0.004
1223134360 13019 609 600 0.018 0 -0.003
1223134360 13020 607 629 0.022 0 -0.004
1223134360 13021 629 624 0.025 0 -0.004
1223134360 13022 666 629 0.029 0 -0.003

And I'm expect each time my pointer should store for example:
1223134 13016 722 809 0.008 0 -0.002

Unfortunately, my program output is like this:
1223134360 2.54183e-317 8.2609e-318 and so on..

Hope you guys can help me out.Thanks.