dondajr 0 Light Poster

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to make a DDE Server app with Delphi. I put the components DDEServerConv and DDEServerItem, I made the connection between both and setted into "Text" property of DDEServerItem the line "Its Work!". Opened my excel and put =AppEx|DdeServerConv1!DdeServerItem1, and works fine, the excel shows "Its Work!" line that I setted.

Then, I wanna create an attribute for my DdeServerItem, for example, I wanna put into a cell =AppEx|DdeServerConv1!DdeServerItem1.Att1 and into another cell =AppEx|DdeServerConv1!DdeServerItem1.Att2.

And then, for example, I wanna set the line "Hello!" for Att1 and "Welcome" for Att2.

Anyone knows how I create this attributes for my ServerItem?

Regards, thanks for any help.

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