Here's my code:

//  bigInt.cpp

#include "bigInt.h"

bigInt::bigInt() {

  int i;

   for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)   //Sets all the values of digits to 0.
  digits[i] = 0;
  sign = true;
  numDigits = 1;

  error1 = true;
  overflowFlag = false;


bigInt::bigInt(const char temp []) {

  int i;
  int tempSize = strlen(temp);
  numDigits = 1;
  error1 = true;
  sign = true;

  if(tempSize > 30)
    error1 = false;

  if(temp[0] == '-') { //If there's a negative symbol set the sign to false
      sign = false;

    if(tempSize > 31) //Add an extra space so the - doesn't count
      error1 = false;

  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
    if(i < tempSize - 1)
  if ( !(temp[tempSize-i - 1] >= 48 && temp[tempSize-i - 1] <= 58)){ //Check for errors
  error1 = false;
  else {
  digits[i] = temp[tempSize-i-1] - '0';
    numDigits = i+1;

  digits[i] = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
    if(i < tempSize)
  if ( !(temp[tempSize-i-1] >= 48 && temp[tempSize-i-1] <= 58)){ //Check for errors
  error1 = false;
  else {
  digits[i] = temp[tempSize-i-1] - '0';
    numDigits = i+1;

  digits[i] = 0;



bigInt::bigInt(const string temp) {
  int i;
  int tempSize = temp.length();
  numDigits = 1;
  error1 = true;
  sign = true;

if(tempSize > 30)
    error1 = false;

  if(temp[0] == '-') {//If there's a negative symbol set the sign to false
      sign = false;

    if(tempSize > 31)//Add an extra space so the - doesn't count
      error1 = false;

  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
    if(i < tempSize - 1)
  if ( !(temp[tempSize-i - 1] >= 48 && temp[tempSize-i - 1] <= 58)){ //Check for errors
  error1 = false;
  else {
  digits[i] = temp[tempSize-i-1] - '0';
    numDigits = i+1;

  digits[i] = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
    if(i < tempSize)
  if ( !(temp[tempSize-i-1] >=48 && temp[tempSize-i-1] <= 58) || temp[tempSize-i-1] == '-'  ){//Check for errors
  error1 = false;
    if(sign == false)
    error1 = true;

  else {
  digits[i] = temp[tempSize-i-1] - 48;

    numDigits = i+1;
  digits[i] = 0;



int bigInt::length() const {

    return numDigits; //Returns the number of digits

bool bigInt::overflow() const {

return overflowFlag; //Overflow check

bool bigInt::error() const {

return !error1;//Error checking

bool bigInt::negative() const {

return !sign;//Sign checking

string bigInt::toString() const {

  string output = "";
if(sign == false) //If there's a negative symbol it will be outputted
output = "-";

  for(int i = numDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if ((i) % 3 == 2 && i < numDigits - 1)
  output += ','; //Add commas
    output += digits[i] + '0';

return output;


int bigInt::compare(const bigInt& x) const {

for(int i = SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--){

     if(sign == false && x.sign == true)
      return -1;
      else if(x.sign == false && sign == true)
      return 1;
        else if(sign == false && x.sign == false){
        if(digits[i] > x.digits[i])
      return -1;
      else if(digits[i] < x.digits[i])
        return 1;
        else if(digits[i] < x.digits[i])
          return -1;
          else if(digits[i] > x.digits[i])
             return 1;

    return 0;

bigInt bigInt::add(const bigInt& x) const {

  int carry = 0;
  int i;
  bigInt output;

  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
    int value;

    if(sign == false && x.sign == false)
  output.sign = false;

    value = digits[i] + x.digits[i] + carry;
    carry = 0;
    carry = value / 10;
    output.digits[i] = value % 10;

    if(value != 0)
  output.numDigits = i + 1;
  if (output.numDigits == SIZE && carry){
    output.overflowFlag = true;
    output.numDigits = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if(output.digits[i] != 0)
  return output;


bigInt bigInt::sub(const bigInt& x) const {

  int value;
  int i;

  bigInt output;
  bigInt temp;
  cout << "X num digits = " << x.numDigits << endl;
  cout << "Num digits = " << numDigits << endl;
  for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {

    if(sign == false  && x.sign != false){
  value = digits[i] +  x.digits[i];
  output.sign = false;}
  else if(x.sign == false && sign != false)
  value = digits[i] +  x.digits[i];


    if(digits[i] < x.digits[i]){

  value = (digits[i] + 10) - x.digits[i];
  output.digits[i] = value;
  output.digits[i + 1] = digits[i + 1] -1;


    else if(digits[i] >= x.digits[i]){

  value = digits[i] - x.digits[i];
  cout << "value" << value << endl;
  output.digits[i] = value;}

    if(value != 0)
  output.numDigits = i + 1;

  if (output.numDigits == SIZE){
    output.overflowFlag = true;
    output.numDigits = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if(output.digits[i] != 0)
  return output;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#define SIZE 30
using namespace std;

class bigInt {

   bigInt(const char[]);
   bigInt(const string);
   int length() const;
   bool overflow() const;
   bool error() const;
   bool negative() const;
   string toString() const;
   int compare(const bigInt&) const;
   bigInt add(const bigInt&) const;
   bigInt sub(const bigInt&) const;

  int digits[SIZE];
  bool sign; //True for positive, false for negative.
  bool error1;
  int numDigits;
  bool overflowFlag;



#include "bigInt.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main ()

  bigInt a;
  bigInt b;
  bigInt c;

  // Default Constructor & toString() Tests
  cout << "a = " << a.toString() << endl;
  cout << "b = " << b.toString() << endl;
  cout << "c = " << b.toString() << endl;
  cout << endl;

  string userInput;

  // Constructor Test (string w/ error checking)
  cout << "Input a big int >" << endl;
  cin >> userInput;
  a = bigInt(userInput);

  while(a.error()) {
    cout << "Invalid input!" << endl;
    cout << "Input a big int >" << endl;
    cin >> userInput;
    a = bigInt(userInput);
  cout << endl;

  // Constructor Test (char[] w/ error checking)
  cout << "Input a big int >" << endl;
  cin >> userInput;
  b = bigInt( userInput.c_str() );

  while(b.error()) {
    cout << "Invalid input!" << endl;
    cout << "Input a big int >" << endl;
    cin >> userInput;
    b = bigInt( userInput.c_str() );
  cout << endl;

  // Length Test
  cout << setw((int)max(a.toString().length(), b.toString().length()));
  cout << a.toString() << " has " << a.length() << " digits" << endl;
  cout << setw((int)max(a.toString().length(), b.toString().length()));
  cout << b.toString() << " has "<< b.length() << " digits" <<endl;
  cout << endl;

  // +/- Test
  cout << setw((int)max(a.toString().length(),b.toString().length()));
  cout << a.toString() << " is " << (a.negative()?"NEGATIVE":"POSITIVE") <<endl;
  cout << setw((int)max(a.toString().length(),b.toString().length()));
  cout << b.toString() << " is " << (b.negative()?"NEGATIVE":"POSITIVE") <<endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Comparison Test
  if ( == 0)
    cout << a.toString() << " == " << b.toString() << endl;
  else if ( < 0)
    cout << a.toString() << " < " << b.toString() << endl;
    cout << a.toString() << " > " << b.toString() << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Addition Test (w/ Overflow check)
  c = a.add(b);
  cout <<" " << setw(41) << a.toString() << endl;
  cout <<"+" << setw(41) << b.toString() << endl;
  cout << setfill('-') << setw(42) << "" << endl;
  cout << setfill(' ');
  cout << setw(42) << c.toString();
  cout << (c.overflow()?" [OVERFLOW]":"") << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Subtraction Test (w/ Overflow check)
  c = a.sub(b);
  cout <<" " << setw(41) << a.toString() << endl;
  cout <<"-" << setw(41) << b.toString() << endl;  
  cout << setfill('-') << setw(42) << "" << endl;
  cout << setfill(' ');
  cout << setw(42) << c.toString();
  cout << (c.overflow()?" [OVERFLOW]":"") << endl;
  cout << endl;

  return 0;

I'm having problems subtracting. My subtracting function is in the bigInt.cpp file at the very bottom. I have it so it should take away 1 from the left digit when the digit to the right is smaller than the one on the bottom but it doesn't seem to be working. The +10 works, but the borrowing part isn't.

When i do 258 and 209, it goes to the sub function and I end up getting 59 instead of 49. For some the 5 isn't getting subtracted

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