jsparger 0 Newbie Poster

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a little help with Apache Xerces. I am currently trying to use Xerces-C++, but I'll soon be using Xerces-Java.

As I look the the C++ programming guide and the DOM programming guide, a lot of my questions remain unanswered. The sample codes lack comments on things that are confusing to me, and important options are not explained in the API as to why or why not you might want to you use them. There also doesn't seem to be much information on best practices or what is/isn't efficient.

I'm hoping to get the help of a few people so I can ask questions as I learn. My first question is probably a matter of style, or maybe for compatibility reasons, but why do the example codes use:


instead of


Is it recommended that I use this strange notation? If so, why?

I'll continue posting more questions. I really appreciate any help a Xerces expert can give.