dedmon 0 Newbie Poster

I kind of lost here... I have the book but it does not show the loop...

I want to use je 100 but this is not the same language

Using the IAS computer instruction set to write a program for the following
C(I)=A(I) + B(I) for I = 1,2,... 100
Giving that array! is stored from location 2000 down to 100.
Array B is stored from location 3000 down to 201.
Array C will be located from location 400 down to 301.

I need just a push in the right direction. Thanks

00000001 LOAD M(A[I]) Transfer M(A[I]) to the accumulator
00000101 ADD M(B[I]) Add M(B[I]) to AC and store result in AC
00100001 STOR M(C[I]) Transfer contents of accumulator to memory location C[I]