
This code is for (hospital management system).

This code allow you to add patients.

There are two types of patients. which is:
1. Normal patient.
2. Critically ill patient.

once you added any patient. You will be able to show all patient using "ShowAllPatient;" method. -> i want the Auto-increment ID Number to appear for each patient has been added.

And you will be able to call a patient to provide a hospital services for him/her using "GetNextPatient;" method.

I need to generate an Auto-increment Number for each (patient) has been added. (Auto-increment Number) but it just should be different for each patient. For example the first patient will have 1, The second patient will have 2. etc. The Auto-increment number should appear for each patient.

This program is asking for entering ID.
So i don't want the program to ask for ID anymore
just create an Auto-increment number for each patient
So first patient has been added ID=1
second patient has been added ID=2

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

// The maximum number of patients in queue
#define MAXPATIENTS 30

// define structure for patient information
struct patient

   char FirstName[50];
   char LastName[50];
   char ID[20];

// define class for queue
class queue
   queue (void);
   int RegisterPatien (patient p);
   int RegisterPatientAtBeginning (patient p);
   patient GetNextPatient (void);
   int CancelAll (patient * p);
   void OutputList (void);
   char DepartmentName[50];
   int ShowAllPatient;
   patient List[MAXPATIENTS];

// declare member functions for queue

queue::queue ()
   // Constructor
   ShowAllPatient = 0;

int queue::RegisterPatien (patient p)
   // To add a patient (normally) to the queue (to the end).
   // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full.
  if (ShowAllPatient >= MAXPATIENTS)
      // queue is full
      return 0;
      // put in new patient
      List[ShowAllPatient] = p;  ShowAllPatient++;
      return 1;

int queue::RegisterPatientAtBeginning (patient p)
   // adds a critically ill patient to the beginning of the queue.
   // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full.
   int i;
   if (ShowAllPatient >= MAXPATIENTS)
      // queue is full
      return 0;

   // move all patients one position back in queue
   for (i = ShowAllPatient-1; i >= 0; i--)
      List[i+1] = List[i];
   // put in new patient
   List[0] = p;  ShowAllPatient++;
   return 1;

patient queue::GetNextPatient (void)
   // gets the patient that is first in the queue.
   // returns patient with no ID if queue is empty

   int i;  patient p;
   if (ShowAllPatient == 0) {
   // queue is empty
   return p;}
   // get first patient
   p = List[0];
   // move all remaining patients one position forward in queue
   for (i=0; i<ShowAllPatient; i++)
      List[i] = List[i+1];
   // return patient
   return p;

int queue::CancelAll (patient * p)

   // removes a patient from queue.
   // returns 1 if successful, 0 if patient not found
   int i, j, found = 0;
   // search for patient
   for (i=0; i<ShowAllPatient; i++)
      		if (stricmp(List[i].ID, p->ID) == 0)
	 	// patient found in queue
	 	*p = List[i];  found = 1;
	 	// move all following patients one position forward in queue
	 		for (j=i; j<ShowAllPatient; j++)
	    				List[j] = List[j+1];
   return found;

void queue::OutputList (void)
   // lists entire queue on screen
   int i;
   if (ShowAllPatient == 0)
      		cout<< "Queue is empty";

		for (i=0; i<ShowAllPatient; i++)
			cout << "First Name : " << List[i].FirstName<<endl;
	 		cout << "Last Name : " << List[i].LastName<<endl;
	 		cout << "Phone Number : " << List[i].ID<<endl<<endl;

// declare functions used by main:

patient InputPatient (void)

   // this function asks user for patient data.
   patient p;
   cout << "Please enter the information of the Patient"<<endl<<endl;
   cout << "First name: "<<endl<<endl;
   cin.getline(p.FirstName, sizeof(p.FirstName));
   cout << "Last name: "<<endl<<endl;
   cin.getline(p.LastName, sizeof(p.LastName));
   cout << "Phone Number: "<<endl<<endl;
   cin.getline(p.ID, sizeof(p.ID));
   // check if data valid
   if (p.FirstName[0]==0 || p.LastName[0]==0 || p.ID[0]==0)
      		// rejected
      		cout << "Error: Data not valid. Operation cancelled.";
   return p;

void OutputPatient (patient * p)
   // this function outputs patient data to the screen
   if (p == NULL || p->ID[0]==0)
      		cout << "No patient";
   cout << "Patient Information:"<<endl<<endl;
   cout << "First name: " << p->FirstName<<endl<<endl;
   cout << "Last name: " << p->LastName<<endl<<endl;
   cout << "Phone Number: " << p->ID<<endl<<endl;

int ReadNumber()
   // this function reads an integer number from the keyboard.
   // it is used because input with cin >> doesn't work properly!
   char buffer[20];
   cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
   return atoi(buffer);

void DepartmentMenu (queue * q)
   // this function defines the user interface with menu for one department
   int choice = 0, success;  patient p;
   while (choice != 6)
      	   // clear screen
// print menu
      	   cout << "<< || Welcome || >> "<<endl << q->DepartmentName<<endl;
		   cout << "Please enter your choice:"<<endl<<endl;
      	   cout << "1:  Add patient"<<endl;
      	   cout << "2:  Add critically ill patient"<<endl;
      	   cout << "3:  Call a patient for operation"<<endl;
      	   cout << "4:  Remove all patients from queue"<<endl;
      	   cout << "5:  Show all patient"<<endl;
		   cout << "6:  Exit"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
      	   // get user choice
      	   choice = ReadNumber();
      		// do indicated action
      	switch (choice)
      		case 1:   // Add normal patient
	 	p = InputPatient();
	 	if (p.ID[0])
	    		success = q->RegisterPatien(p);
				if (success)
	       			cout << "Patient added:"<<endl<<endl;

	       		// error
	       		cout << "Sorry: The queue is full. We Cannot add any patient:";
	    		cout << "Press any key";

      case 2:   // Add critically ill patient
	 p = InputPatient();
	 if (p.ID[0])
	    	success = q->RegisterPatientAtBeginning(p);

			if (success)
	       		  cout << "Patient added:";
	       		  // error
	       		  cout << "Sorry: The queue is full. We Cannot add any patient:";

	    		  cout << "Press any key to contiune";

      case 3:   // Call patient for operation /First Come First Surve
	 p = q->GetNextPatient();
	 if (p.ID[0])
	       cout << "Patient to operate:";
	       cout << "Currently there is no patient to operate.";
	       cout << "Press any key to contiune";

      case 4:   // Remove a patient from queue
	 p = InputPatient();
	 if (p.ID[0])
	        success = q->CancelAll(&p);
			if (success)
	       		cout << "Patient removed:";
	       		// error
	       		cout << "Sorrt: We cannot find patient:";
	    	cout << "Press any key to contiune";

      case 5:   // Show all patient -> queues
	 cout << "Press any key";
	 getch();  break;

// the main function defining queues and main menu
void main ()
   int i, MenuChoice = 0;
   // define  queue
   queue department[1];
   // set department name
   strcpy (department[0].DepartmentName, "To Emergency Department");

   while (MenuChoice != 2)

// Cout menu
      	   cout << "Welcome to Emergency Department (ED)"<<endl;
		   cout << "Plrase Enter a Number from the follwing manu:"<<endl<<endl;
          for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
	 	   // write menu item for department i
	 	   cout<< "" << (i+1) << ":  "<< department[i].DepartmentName;
      	  cout << "2:  Exit"<<endl;
      	  // get user choice
      	  MenuChoice = ReadNumber();
      	  // is it a department name?
      		if (MenuChoice >= 1 && MenuChoice <= 1)
	 		// call submenu for department
	 		// (using pointer arithmetics here
	 		DepartmentMenu (department + (MenuChoice-1));


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All 4 Replies

Start the number at 1.
Every time you input a patient, add 1 to it.

Hey WaltP,

Please how can i do that?
i need exactly just like what u said.


I didn't take the trouble in going through your entire code. But what sounds to me is that you have to use a static variable as ID. Initialize it to 1. increment it every time you add a patient.

ID = 1;

After reading a person

All you have to do is think about it...

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