Bored and just wrote this. Anything I did wrong? Anything that can be improved? Relatively new to C++ but I have the basic basics down(I like to think so anyway).

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

void programIntroduction();
void gameLoop();
int playerChoice, cpuChoice, wins=0, losses=0, ties=0;

int main(){
//Displays program name, version, and instructions
//This function gets userInput, cpuInput and then checks all the possible outcomes of game.
	return 0;

void programIntroduction(){
	cout << "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS version 0.2 \n" << endl
	<< "Welcome to an exciting game of Rock, Paper, Scissors." << endl
	<< "You will face off against the computer.  Good luck! \n";

void gameLoop(){

//Program returns here if the player choooses to play again	
//Menu selection for players	
	//Initilize random number and get CPUs choice
	cpuChoice = rand() % 3 + 1;
	cout << "\n1: Rock \n2: Paper \n3: Scissor" << endl
	<< "Please make your selection: ";
	cin >> playerChoice;
	//These 3 if statements handle a tie.  It displays the choice and adds 1 tie to the scoreboard.
	if(playerChoice == cpuChoice && playerChoice == 1){
		cout << "\nYou and the computer picked Rock.  Its a draw!" << endl;
	if (playerChoice == cpuChoice && playerChoice == 2){
		cout << "\nYou and the computer picked Paper.  Its a draw!" << endl;
	if (playerChoice == cpuChoice && playerChoice == 3){
		cout << "\nYou and the computer picked Scissor.  Its a draw!" << endl;
//This is playerRock and cpuPaper or cpuScissors.
	if (playerChoice == 1 && cpuChoice == 2){
		cout << "\nYou picked Rock.  The computer picked Paper.  You lost!" << endl;
	else if(playerChoice == 1 && cpuChoice == 3){
		cout << "\nYou picked Rock.  The computer picked Scissor.  You won!" << endl;
//This is playerPaper and cpuRock or cpuScissors.
	else if(playerChoice == 2 && cpuChoice == 1){
		cout << "\nYou picked Paper.  The computer picked Rock.  You won!" << endl;
	else if(playerChoice == 2 && cpuChoice == 3){
		cout << "\nYou picked Paper.  The computer picked Scissor.  You lost!" << endl;
//This is playerScissors and cpuRock or cpuPaper
	else if(playerChoice == 3 && cpuChoice == 1){
		cout << "\nYou picked Scissor.  The computer picked Rock.  You lost!" << endl;
	else if(playerChoice == 3 && cpuChoice == 2){
		cout << "\nYou picked Scissor.  The computer picked Paper.  You won!" << endl;
	cout << "\nScoreboard: Wins= " << wins << " Losses= " << losses << " Ties= " << ties << endl; 
//Replay loop
	char playAgain='No';
	cout << "\nType 'y' to play again or 'n' to quit: ";
	cin >> playAgain;
	while(playAgain != 'n')
		goto restart;


Your use of variables, functions and if/else statements seems good. Other basics include arrays and specialized arrays called strings. If you know about them then you could tighten things up a bit by minimizing the repetitive use of the same output string, "You picked xxxxxx" over and over again.

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