case 'f':
case 'F':
cout << "Enter Finish Time (Max Start + 24h, 0-23:59): ";
cin >> FinishTime;
if (FinishTime > 2359)
{	cout << "Error! Invalid Finish Time Input." << endl
	     << "Enter Finish Time (Max Start + 24h, 0-23:59): ";
	cin >> FinishTime;
} while (FinishTime > 2359);
if (FinishTime == "q")
if (FinishTime < 2400)
cout << "Yacht Time: ";
HoursConv(StartTime, FinishTime); 
cout << " hours, Yacht Avg Speed: "
<< AverageSpeed(CourseDistance, StartTime, FinishTime)
<<" knots, " << SpeedConv(AverageSpeed(CourseDistance, StartTime, FinishTime)) << " km/h" << endl;
}	while (FinishTime != "q" || FinishTime != "Q");		

I can't get my function to call another function if the user input is "q" or "Q". if the user input is a "q" or any other things that aren't a number, the loop goes forever and ever. What I need is when the program asks for a user input in this case in a switch case and the user input is a "q" or "Q", the function will call my menu function and bring up the menu again. If the user input isn't a "q" or "Q", just an ordinary number, then it'll go ahead and calculate everything eg.averagespeed, etc.

Thank you!! It's driving me nuts!

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All 2 Replies

Well since only half of the code is there it's difficult to tell.

My guess is that this is a function called from you menu function.

If so, it may be as simple as


if (FinishTime == "q")


if (FinishTime == "q")
return NULL;

Or something similar

I can't even follow your code. Please learn to use proper and consistent formatting so those you ask help from can read your code.

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