i have 7 teams and i want with using the class random and the next method(a,b), i want to create and save the results randomly.

i'll tell you what the program dowes so, you can understand what i want to do:
firstly, when the program runs, it will ask for a username and a password. Then, the user will give the dateConduct so, the randomly creation begin.

public class Game{

Other.Date dateConduct;
Team[] Teams;
Team winner;
bool conduct=false;


public class Team{

string name;
string captain;
int points;

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So what exactly do you need help with?

i want you to tell me how i can create randomly results for the 7 teams. Using the randonm Class and the method Next(a,b)

Well, this is how to use the Random class and Next(int a, int b,)

Random rnd = new Random()

//Generates a random number between 0 and 10
points = rnd.Next(0,10);

So you could give the team a method which when called uses the above to generate a points score for them? Obviously changing the upper and lower bounds as you see fit.

MSDN: Here

thank you so much!

Why would you use Random class exactly? I dont see a point. To randomly shuffle teams between ?

From what I understand Mitja, it is used to randomly generate a points total for each of the seven teams specified, hence the team having an int points;


But it has no point in this.
Points are (in my opinion) the points -for football (in europe):
3 - for winning
1- for equal
0 - for loosing


So really dont see the point in using Random, only in case if he want to shuffle teams in between to create, lets says, some kind of championship.
Who knows... :)

There was no mention of it being football related :)

^Exatly, what i want to do

You want it like football scores?

Could do this then for each "match fixture"

Random rnd = new Random();
int[] availablePoints = new int[3] { 0, 1, 3 }

points = availablePoints[rnd.Next(0,2)];

Giving a random result of either 0 1 or 3 when applied to the array :)

Edit: If no one beats me to it i'll make a match fixture thing tonight when back from work

Freedom - PLEASE next time you write into here, define EXACTLY what you wound want from this project to do. But I mean exactly - not "this is what I want it to do", or "yes, random scores".

We dont know now what to think, you saw me I have guessed what you had been thinking about.

Agree with Mitja, I'll write a bit of team code and it'll be up tonight regardless of what you want, gives me something to do :)

Its finally done, quite basic but shows the concepts of using the random class to create a tournament.

Points to note about the code below:
- Tournament plays only 20 games
- There is no validation in terms of all teams playing even amounts of matches
- Its very basic :)

Hopefully though it'll give you an idea on how the random class can be used.

namespace ScorerApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Tournament theTournment = new Tournament();

    class Team : IComparable
        private string teamName;
        private string teamCaptain;
        private int points;

        int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
            Team team = (Team)obj;

            if (this.Points > team.Points)
                return -1;
                if (this.Points == team.Points)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;

        public Team(string TeamName, string TeamCaptain)
            teamName = TeamName;
            teamCaptain = TeamCaptain;

        public void AddPoints(int PointsToAdd)
            points += PointsToAdd;

        public int Points { get { return points; } }
        public string TeamName { get { return teamName; } }
        public string TeamCaptain { get { return teamCaptain; } }


    class Match
        public Team[] teamsPlaying = new Team[2];
        public int pointsWon { get; private set; }

        private int[] possiblePoints = new int[3] { 0, 1, 3 };
        private Random rnd = new Random();

        public Match(Team HomeTeam, Team AwayTeam)
            teamsPlaying[0] = HomeTeam;
            teamsPlaying[1] = AwayTeam;

        public Team PlayMatch(out int PointsWon)
            pointsWon = possiblePoints[rnd.Next(0,2)];

            PointsWon = pointsWon;
            return teamsPlaying[rnd.Next(0,1)];

    class Tournament
        private Team[] tournamentCompetitors = new Team[10];
        private Match[] theMatches = new Match[20];
        private Random rnd = new Random();

        public Tournament()

        public void GetTournamentOutcome()
            Team[] tournamentFinishPlaces = tournamentCompetitors;
            int position = 1;


            foreach (Team team in tournamentFinishPlaces)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} - {2} pts", position, team.TeamName, team.Points);

        public void PlayMatches()
            foreach (Match match in theMatches)
                int pointsWon;
                Team tempTeam = match.PlayMatch(out pointsWon);

                foreach (Team team in tournamentCompetitors)
                    if (team.TeamName == tempTeam.TeamName && team.TeamCaptain == tempTeam.TeamCaptain)

        private void SetUpMatches()
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                int teamOne;
                int teamTwo;

                teamOne = rnd.Next(0, 9);
                teamTwo = rnd.Next(0, 9);

                Match tempMatch = new Match(tournamentCompetitors[teamOne], tournamentCompetitors[teamTwo]);
                theMatches[i] = tempMatch;

        private void SetUpTournament()
            Console.WriteLine("- - Tournament Setup - -");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string teamName;
                string teamCaptain;

                Console.Write("Please enter Team {0} Name: ", i + 1);
                teamName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Please enter Team Captain: ");
                teamCaptain = Console.ReadLine();

                Team tempTeam = new Team(teamName, teamCaptain);
                tournamentCompetitors[i] = tempTeam;
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