rams.prsk 0 Newbie Poster

Hi All,

Please find the code that i have written below for connecting to exchange server 2010 and reading the mails via IMAp. it is working fine for exchange 2007 but failing for exchange 2010. kindly help me on the same :

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void ReadIMAPEmail()
            string Mailserver = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MailServer"];
            string MailServerPort = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MailServerPort"];
            string MailServerUsername = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MailServerUsername"];
            string MailServerPwd = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MailServerPwd"];
            ImapClient imap = new ImapClient(Mailserver, Convert.ToInt32(MailServerPort), true);
            imap.IsDebug = true;
                WriteEventLogEntry("Checking for Server Authentication....");
                if (imap.Connection())
//Iam getting the error message here after trying to connect to the server on particar port.But when i verified using telnet it is opening on that port

                    WriteLog("Loggin in to IMAP server.", Color.Green);

                    bool Islogin = imap.LogIn(MailServerUsername, MailServerPwd);
                    if (Islogin)

                        WriteLog("Connected to IMAP server.", Color.Green);

                        ImapX.MessageCollection messages = imap.Folders["INBOX"].Search("ALL", true);

                        foreach (ImapX.Message m in imap.Folders["INBOX"].Messages)
                                List<imapx.mailaddress> ListTo = new List<imapx.mailaddress>();
                                List<imapx.mailaddress> ListFrom = new List<imapx.mailaddress>();
                                string textBody = m.TextBody.TextData;

                                string htmlBody = m.HtmlBody.TextData;
                                string strfromaddress = string.Empty;
                                string strfromname = string.Empty;

                                string strsubject = m.Subject.ToString();
                                string strto = string.Empty;
                                string strtoname = string.Empty;
                                ListTo = m.To;
                                ListFrom = m.From;
                                for (int i = 0; i < ListTo.Count; i++)
                                    strto = strto + ListTo[i].Address;
                                    strtoname = strtoname + ListTo[i].DisplayName;
                                for (int i = 0; i < ListFrom.Count; i++)
                                    strfromaddress = strfromaddress + ListFrom[i].Address;
                                    strfromname = strfromname + ListFrom[i].DisplayName;
                               //delete message
                                WriteLog("Deleting mail " + m.MessageId);

                            catch (Exception ex)

                                WriteLog("Error while reading email. " + ex.Message, Color.Red);


                        WriteLog("Cannot Login to IMAP Server. Please check your account details.", Color.Red);
                WriteLog("Finished checking IMAP mailbox....");
            catch (Exception ex)

                WriteLog("Error while connecting to IMAP server. " + ex.Message, Color.Red);


        private void WriteLog(string str)
            WriteLog(str, Color.Black);

        private void WriteLog(string str, Color mycolor)
            lblStatus.Text = str;
            lblStatus.ForeColor = mycolor;