Dear All !
Please Correct my SQL String.

        sqlcmd = New SqlCommand("Select top 10 Distinct[Batch No], [Item Name],Decentralization, UOM, Balance from Decentralization order by Serial desc", conn)

When I run this Command I get Following error : incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Distinct'

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Select Distinct top 10 [Batch No], [Item Name],Decentralization, UOM, Balance from Decentralization order by Serial desc
Distinct should come first before top 10...

Dear Sir;
I want Top 1 record for each Item Name, Batch No & Department. What sql code should i give ?

Use group by... Somthing like this
Select distinct ItemName,BatchNo,UOM,Department
from URTABLENAME group by ItemName,BatchNo,UOM,Department.
Include all the column in select and gropu by

Dear Sir !
My Database is : -

**From this I want this Filtured Result :- **


Please Write a code for this result.

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