sengathir 0 Newbie Poster

I have to pull the data from DB2,
CollableStatement cs =conObj.prepareCall("call " + db2Creator + ".IVR_LOOKUP(?,?,?,?)")....
whereas 2 fields are input and 2 are output(output are not fields but they are support to retrieve the rows...).
if i/ps are "23" & "Raja",
O/p parameter 1 should fetch 5 rows and O/p parameter 2 also should fetch 5 rows..
So i tried getting the 2 outputs are of type Resultsets...and inturn registers them as cs.registerOutParameter (3, Types.OTHER); & cs.registerOutParameter (4, Types.OTHER); respectively, Could you suggest me that how to proceed,
As the stored proc we are using is returning 2 result sets ...
i am getting the excdeption "Type not Supported"...
what suppose to be a type for the views returned by DB2