i want to how when is my player is jumping, statding, or falling. for some reason it only goes in fall == true if statment.
in my paint method iam printing different images. bc testing what is player is doing.

i have main_class and player_class.

    //in player class
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        if(jump == false)
          //..print stand image
       else if(jump == true)
        //..print jump image
       else if(fall == true)
        //print fall image here

boolean jump = false;  
boolean fall = true;       //bc when game start player will fall down first
private double dy = 6.0;  //change in y over time
    private double gravity = 0.2;    

in main method i keypress method. if i presss up key it will run hitJump() method from player_class

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
        int keys = e.getKeyCode();
                 if (keys == KeyEvent.VK_UP)

//in player_class seting up hitJump method. this just set jump to true only if only is not jumping.
public void hitJUMP(Ground g)
    if(jump == false)//if on ground 
        jump = true; //go in jump true if statment
        dy = 6.0;   //reset 

//than also in player_class iam creating so my player will go up and down 
//this method is in while loop. so it will keep on going.
public void PLAYER_MOVE(Main m, Ground g) //player move's
    if(jump == true) //move dy up ..and than down..
          dy -= gravity; 
          y -= dy;       

          if(y + height >= g.getY()) //if on ground set jump to false
            jump = false; 
                    fall = false;
    else if(jump == false) //if player is not jumping so that mean player is falling
        y += 4; //player falling speed
    fall = true;

mostly i need help in paint method and player_move method. i know how to test when is my player is jumping or not jumping. but falling part is confusing to me. i need some ideas how can i test in paint method and player_move method when is my player is falling or not.

What are the possible combination of values of the variables you are testing in the paint method? With the chained if/else if statements the first one that is true is the only one that will be executed.
Is that what you intend?

BTW if(jump) is sufficient. You don't need == true: if(jump == true)

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