1) The & symbol in C returns the address of a variable.

2) In the expression, printf(“%d”, (ans > val)? z : w); displays the value of w if the condition is true.

3) In the expression, for( ; a>b; ) A semicolon on its own indicates a null statement.

4) In C, amount %= 10; stores the remainder of the division in the variable amount.

5) Reserve words can be used as function names or as identifiers.

6) exit(0) closes program execution.

7) Break takes the control out of the existing construct.

8) fflush() is a function which clears the keyboard buffer and is mandatory where values are being accepted iteratively.

9) The || operator is used for the OR condition.

10) This loop will run only once.

        }while(value==’y’ && value==’Y’); 

11) This for loop will give a logic error? for (c=90 ; c <=90; c -=10);

Same answer as in your other thread here.

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