hi all
i want to send html file from pc to android phone if any body have an idea of how to do that i will be greatful for help??
thanxs in advance

Simple. Use bluetooth ..:) (#just kidding)

If you want to send any file programatically from your pc to bluetooth , then you must know 2 technologies, i.e android programming and J2SE programming.

This may help you

i know these 2 technologies and i send files but i have problem in sending html files thank you for replay if you can help me with any thing i will be greatful

i know these 2 technologies and i send files but i have problem in sending html files thank you for replay if you can help me with any thing i will be greatful

Then you should have posted your code instead of other second guessing what you know and did. Your current approach is counter productive!

i want to know if i can transfer html file between pc and android or i cannot

@lena1990 since you refusing to share code I refuse to share my code solution and give you practical solution. Install Dropbox on pc and Android device and share/sync documents that way. Problem solved!

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