give example of a C++ program that sorts list of integers. The list should have a size of power of two. Example: list size = 2, 4, 8, 16…

1. Divide the array into two lists until a single element remains in any list

While merging given two sorted lists pull out the smallest element from the heads.

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give example of a C++ program that sorts list of integers. The list should have a size of power of two. Example: list size = 2, 4, 8, 16…

1. Divide the array into two lists until a single element remains in any list

While merging given two sorted lists pull out the smallest element from the heads.

I can play that game too.

We won't do your homework for you. What have you tried?

I normally (just as decepticon) don't give solutions to homework.
I'll make an exception this time:

ref class Resource
  bool disposed;
    disposed = false;

  ~Resource() // IDisposable

  !Resource() // Finalize

  void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (disposing)
      // dispose managed resources
    // dispose unmanaged resources

    disposed = true;
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