How to rollback the transaction while spring controller has runtime exception...

i found some snippet from google i.e,

@Transactional(rollBackFor = Exception.class)

I think this only applicable for service class has the exception.

I need to rollback controller class has any exception.


public class test1
        public void testing()

          int k=5/0; //  what i do from here i got exception
        catch(Exception e)



@Transactional(rollBackFor = Exception.class)
public class test2

public void sampletrans()
    sessionfactor.getCurrentSession.createSQLquery("update test set a=5");

     int k=5/0; // if i has any exception from here. i think it will be automatically rollback.
    catch(Exception e)



may be implement an interface in the controller and pass its instance to the Dao Object

create an interface:

public interface IMyInterface {
    public void rollback(Transaction transaction);

in the controller:

public class MyController implements IMyInterface {

    public void someDatabaseLogic() {
        Dao dao=new Dao(this);

    public void rollback(Transaction transaction) {

in the dao:
public class Dao {
    private IMyInterface mControllerCallback;
    public Dao(IMyInterface in) {
        mControllerCallback = in;


inside the dao

Transaction transaction = null;
try {
    transaction = session.beginTransaction();
} catch(Exception e) {
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