Help, I have a good pseudocode written that is supposed to get the title of a person and how many boxes in an order and print labels.

Here is the pseudocode, please help.

string title
string firstName
string lastName
string streetAddress
string city
string state
num zip
num numBoxes
num count
string enterAnother = “Y”
input title, firstName, lastName, streetAddress, city, state,
zip, numBoxes
while not eof
count = 1
while count <= numBoxes
output title, firstName, lastName
output streetAddress
output city, state, zip
output “Box ”, count, “ of “, numBoxes
count = count + 1
enterAnother = “ ”
input enterAnother
if “Y” or “y”
input title, firstName, lastName, streetAddress, city,
state, zip, numBoxes

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Why dont you first try to do it yourself..... and maybe we can help you when you get stuck, and remember if you get stuck, search around on Google and daniweb, because your question might already be answered.

You did not say what help you need! Please ask specific questions.

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