tswaters 0 Newbie Poster

Ok, I'm having a little trouble with the DataReport Object.
It's a very simple report, showing users and their information -- but also there is one field, a Memo that is their "Comments".

When the whole report is displayed, it looks much like a table with the headers showing the fields and each row sepereated with a line, and each field on each row seperated by a line. Simple table.

So I've set the "Comments" "CanGrow" to True as the comments could fill an entire page... I certainly don't want it to cut off. So that's fine, all the comments display all the time.

The problem comes when the Comments takes more than one line. The lines between the fields on each row are only the height of a single row... To complete the table I need a way to check if the detail row has grown at all, and set all the field-level lines to it's height.

So here's my code that doesn't work... I'm not sure where to put it or how to make it look so it goes through all the rows:

Sections.Item("Section1").Controls.Item("Line6").Height = Sections.Item("Section1").Height
    Sections.Item("Section1").Controls.Item("Line5").Height = Sections.Item("Section1").Height

Any help = greatly appreciated.

Thanks !