Hi there, im a c++ noobie. I have a class called node. Node has a data member id. When i try and access id in the obect named f outside of main visual studio 2003 gives me the errors:

: error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier
error C2228: left of '.id' must have class/struct/union type
type is ''unknown-type''

thanks in advance

have you created an object from your class?

is "f" a public.. or private class member? ;)

post ye' code and we can help more.

f is not a data member f is the name of the object im trying to create

id is public:


#include <iostream>
#include "test.h"
using namespace std;

int fn(void)

   f.id = 3;

   return 0;


int main(void)

    test f;


        return 0;



#include "test.h"




class test

    int id;

Hi there, im a c++ noobie. I have a class called node. Node has a data member id. When i try and access id in the obect named f outside of main visual studio 2003 gives me the errors:

: error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier
error C2228: left of '.id' must have class/struct/union type
type is ''unknown-type''

thanks in advance

You declared f in main function and not in fn function thats the problem. Declare f in fn function.

is there no way around that?

Declaring f as global but that is bad practice. I don't know what you want to do. You are not calling fn func at all.

hmm yeah there is supposed to be a call for that function. But ignore that the point is is there any way just to declare it in main and still get fn() to recognise its existance?

> and still get fn() to recognise its existance?
Pass it as a parameter.

Unless this is one of those futile exercises that some tutors seem to love (for god-knows what reason), and the answer usually involves some horridness involving macros. If this is the case, then perhaps consider a different tutor.

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