Here is an example I was thinking of ...
import random
import time
def delay(seconds):
def shuffle_hitlists(my_hitlist, mo_hitlist):
"""shuffle the two lists and return the result"""
return my_hitlist, mo_hitlist
def battle(my_hitlist, mo_hitlist, my_strength, mo_strength):
# player starts swinging first
for k in range(len(my_hitlist)):
my_hit = my_hitlist[k]
mo_hit = mo_hitlist[k]
# your turn
if my_hit == 1:
print "Scratched him good!"
mo_strength -= 1
elif my_hit == 2:
print "Sliced him deep! Blood and guts!"
mo_strength -= 2
elif my_hit == 3:
print "Excellent hit! He is screaming with pain!"
mo_strength -= 3
else: # my_hit == 0:
print "You missed!"
if mo_strength <= 0:
print "The monster is dead!"
# monster's turn
if mo_hit == 1:
print "You got scratched! It will heal quickly!"
my_strength -= 1
elif mo_hit == 2:
print "Ouch, received a deep slice!"
my_strength -= 2
elif mo_hit == 3:
print "You are hit and in pain! Loosing blood!"
my_strength -= 3
else: # mo_hit == 0
print "The monster missed!"
if my_strength < 5:
print "You are weak and wounded, better withdraw!"
if mo_strength > 0:
print "The fleeing monster's strength is down to", mo_strength
print "You still have a strength of", my_strength
my_hitlist = [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1]
mo_hitlist = [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1]
my_strength = 20
mo_strength = 10
my_hitlist, mo_hitlist = shuffle_hitlists(my_hitlist, mo_hitlist)
print my_hitlist, '\n', mo_hitlist # test
battle(my_hitlist, mo_hitlist, my_strength, mo_strength)
Need to improve the battle descriptions, maybe draw on a sentence lists with random.choice() to get some variety in there.
One could change the my_hitlist depending on the weapon carried, or change the mo_hitlist depending on the nastiness of the monster.
If you carry fancy armor the hits could be deminished in severity.
Let me know what you think.