Fernando2 0 Newbie Poster


I am a student in the school electrical engineering and I am called Fernando.
I make my project report in Visual BASIC and I must much work for it.
Because of this I have some understanding questions on it.

I have the following question now:

I have calculated the area of the black area in µ m ² first. The radius then became one to this great at once circular area calculates.

This one is the current question after the minimal and maximum radius of the black area now. Both must be calculated respectively and distributed in the column of the table.
Therefore a fourth column for the minimal radius and a fifth column come in the table for the maximum radius.

Explanation of these minimal and maximum radii:

The radius is the distance between the centre M of a circle and the circle.

If we have a circle, all distances between the centre M and the circle have the same length which is called radius.

The length of the distance between the centre M of the area and the area line is different another area thing from area line point to another point of this area line if we dissimilar a circle have.

So the current question is this one after the minimal and maximum length now
the distance between the centre M of the area and the area line.
Both must be calculated respectively and distributed in the column of the table.
Therefore a 4 te column for this minimal length and a 5 te column for this maximum length are added in the table.

Are in the appendix as a .zip file my programme finished off up till now and the picture for working.

I like to be available for further questions and explanations.

I am address within reach also under the following e-mail:


I am still beginner in programming, because of this I need help with it.

If somebody can help me, I am very grateful for it.

best greetings of


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