So I'm looking into colleges and I see that ITT Tech has a Software Engineering program, and I'm just curious if you guys think this degree is worth the $70,000 or if it's not even worth the paper it's printed on.

I want to program video games, websites or software applications as a career.

IMO I'd go to a four year university and get a Computer Science degree if I were you. I tried ITT when I first left High School and it really did not live up to the hype. I did not go for the software engineering progam though. Also, my problem may have just been that they were still new in my area at the time I went (In other words, people new to teaching). One thing about going to ITT Tech is that your classes do not transfer to most colleges if you ever decide to leave. You may also want to look into whether they are accreditied and who they are accredited by.

If you can get a 4-year college degree, then do it. Computer programming is highly competetive so the more education you have the better off you will be.

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