anupam_smart 2 Posting Pro

For the conversion of binary to decimal, check it out:
Let’s say we have to convert –
We solve this kind of problems into two parts as follows:
(<LHS> . <RHS>)

1. First take the left hand side no. of the radix point( . ) which is 1010
to convert it into its equivalent decimal the method is as follows:
1 0 1 0


i.e. >start from the right-most digit (0 here);
>move from right to left;
>multiply each digit with (2^(position of digit from right-1));
>The sum of all these(10 here) as shown above will give u the decimal equivalent of the
LHS part of radix.

2. Now the important & difficult one;
The Right hand part of radix of the given binary no.
This is 1010 again.Since right-most 0 is of no significance, this can be ommitted
1 0 1

1*(2^-1)+0*(2^-2)+1*(2^-3)=.625 or


>we have to move from left to right now.
>multiply each digit with (2^-(position of the digit form radix on left))
Divide each digit with (2^position of the digit from radix on left)
>Sum up all these, as above(.625 here) to get the decimal equivalent RHS part of no.

The last step is simple:
Just put the two results obtained in step1. & step2. together with the radix ( . )
to get the required result
Here, it would be=10.625
Binary equivalent of 1010.1010 is =10.625

Enjoy, :cool: :cool:

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