hello there, uhhmmm...anyone here could give me an idea or point me a reference on how web server application are created (console based) using c++...i'd be using threading, processes, synchronization and http protocol...

a reference to any website or books would be nice...thank you...

Is this for a homework assignment? If it is, show some effort before asking for us to do it for you.

Is this for a homework assignment? If it is, show some effort before asking for us to do it for you.

it's not an assignment...it's part of my self study...dude, im not asking anyone here to do it for me, im just asking for reference because i have no idea how a console based web server looks, does and function...it's a self study, how can i learn if you'll do it for me anyway...

Reading this thread thoroughly might give you some link...

thank you for being so kind :)

hai i am also planning for the same application i think
you got something because u started fist
please help me as i am also willing to learn how to
create a webserver in vc++

plz reply soon

i have created a server in vc++
but yet i have to add some more functionality
in it because at first request it reply and send the index page but when i request another time it wont.

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