Below is my error which i get while i compile AppleComputer class file ( shown down below).

Any help solving this error would be appreciated .


F:\JAVA\Java Files\Lab 5\ non-static method getCpuSpeed() cannot be referenced from a static context
		System.out.println("The Computer's CPU Speed Is: " + Computer.getCpuSpeed());
F:\JAVA\Java Files\Lab 5\ non-static method getMemorySize() cannot be referenced from a static context
		System.out.println("The Computer's Memory Size Is:" + Computer.getMemorySize());
F:\JAVA\Java Files\Lab 5\ non-static method getSerialNo() cannot be referenced from a static context
		System.out.println("The Computer's Serial No Is:" + Computer.getSerialNo());
3 errors

Tool completed with exit code 1
public class AppleComputer
	public static void main (String[] args)
//		boolean succeeded;
		Computer baseModel = new Computer("IMac");
		Computer highEndModel = new Computer ("MacBook Pro", 2, 2);

//		succeeded = baseModel.overClockCpu();
//		displayOverClockInf(succeeded);




	public static void displayOverClockInfo(boolean succeeded)
		if (succeeded)
			System.out.println("The CPU has been successfully overclocked" + '\n');
			System.out.println("I am sorry that your CPU has been overcloked before " +
					           "and your request has been denied!" + '\n');

	public static void displayComputerInfo(Computer computer)

		System.out.println("The Computer's Model NO is: " + Computer.getModel());
		System.out.println("The Computer's CPU Speed Is: " + Computer.getCpuSpeed());
		System.out.println("The Computer's Memory Size Is:" + Computer.getMemorySize());
		System.out.println("The Computer's Serial No Is:" + Computer.getSerialNo());

		//"Display information related to a computer object"

Your displayComputerInfo() method is calling methods on Computer as if they are static, because you typed Computer instead of computer - different case. Gotta watch case-sensitivty in Java :)

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