pinguwin 0 Newbie Poster

I'm an experienced programmer and I've been using C and other languages for many years. I've been learning C++ on my own and writing programs and feel quite comfortable doing so. However, when I look at a C++ Faq, I can get lost trying to follow some of the examples.

I'm interested in finding code that is similar to what a programmer would find in the "real world" IT situations. How much of it is basic code and how often am I going to have to deal with a whole string of strange operators and virtual private multiple inheritance... For example, I was struggling with ostream overloading of "<<" the other day.

I want to know if I can comfortable say in an interview that I "know" C++. I can answer most interview questions faqs I find on the web. I find that in C, you are only using a subset of the whole language. I know C very well, but if someone presents me with a muliple *'s to a function pointer, I might not be sure how it works.

Can someone point me to some code that one could say, "If you understand this, you have a pretty good idea of what is going on"? All help you can give me is appreciated.


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