I am using Visual basic 6
I am trying to create a new txt file with the textbox (text1) contents.
But instead of calling that text file "Stored.txt" as I currently am doing, I am trying to create the new .txt file with the text from the textbox.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim F As Integer 'Setup up constant file number
F = FreeFile ' Set F to the next free file number
'open file Text.txt
Open ("C:\PROGRA~1\ASTKA\SADM\info\Stored.txt) For Append As F
'write text to file
Print #F,
Print #F, "First Name:", Text1.Text
Print #F, "Last Name:", Text2.Text ' Normaly this info will get stored in the registery!
Print #F,
Print #F,
'Close file
Close #F

End Sub

So basically, if someone enters their "First Name" in the textbox (text1) it will not only write it to a file in: C:\PROGRA~1\ASTKA\SADM\info\ but it will name it based on the contents of "text1" so if someone enters "bob" that new text file will be called "bob.txt" and it will contain "firstname: bob" (at the same time) I do not want a static name "Stored" for every persons name, I want the file to change and create new ones for everyones name, and the files will be named each persons name.
Any help?? I've searched and searched and found nothing.

No problem man! Check this

Open Text1.Text & ".txt" For Output As #1
        For n = 0 To 5
            Print #1, Text2.Text
        Next n
    Close #1

I found the solution:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text2.Text = Date
Dim F As Integer 'Setup up constant file number
Dim filepathname As String
F = FreeFile ' Set F to the next free file number
'open file Text.txt
filepathname = "C:\PROGRA~1\ASTKA\SADM\info\" & Text1.Text & ".Doc"
Open (filepathname) For Append As F
Print #F,
Print #F, "Full Name:", Text1.Text
Print #F, "Date of attendance:", Text2.Text ' Normaly this info will get stored in the registery!
Print #F,
Print #F,
'Close file
Close #F
End Sub

Yo JackFarrel, my hero man, is that you? Why are you messing with VB things! If you recognize "PERL TOPIA" contact me you know what it means, and where I used to be, been looking everywhere for you!
Your not that hard to track. >---<

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