poizn 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all

I have created a SOAP server, and want to register multiple functions, but only the last function is registered (well is useable). If I call any of the other functions, they just return FALSE!

Here is my code

// register function 1
  $server -> configureWSDL("func_1wsdl" , "urn:func_1wsdl");

  $server -> wsdl -> addComplexType("return_data_array"
    , "complexType"
    , "struct"
    , "all"
    , ""
    , array("id" => array("name" => "id" , "type" => "xsd:string")
            , "name" => array("name" => "name" , "type" => "xsd:string")));

  $server ->wsdl -> addComplexType("return_data"
    , "complexType"
    , "array"
    , ""
    , "SOAP-ENC:Array"
    , array()
    , array(
      "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType" , "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:return_data_array[]"
    , "tns:return_data_array");

  $server -> register("func_1"
    , array("id" => "xsd:string")
    , array("return" => "tns:return_data")
    , "urn:func_1wsdl"
    , "urn:func_1wsdl#func_1");

  // register function 2
  $server -> configureWSDL("func_2wsdl" , "urn:func_2wsdl");

  $server -> wsdl -> addComplexType("return_data"
    , "complexType"
    , "struct"
    , "all"
    , ""
    , array("id" => array("name" => "id" , "type" => "xsd:string")
            , "name" => array("name" => "name" , "type" => "xsd:string")));

  $server -> register("func_2"
    , array("input_1" => "xsd:string")
    , array("return" => "tns:return_data")
    , "urn:func_2wsdl"
    , "urn:func_2wsdl#func_2");

Thats basically the code to register the two functions (I changed a few things like the function name and input and output variables, so if I messed something up while doing all that, my bad)

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance