in the mysql table more then ten date column records there. i want select only last insert date record ,next i want selected date add 7 days in the date to store db again person want insert again select the last record then add 7 days selected last date ........ help me...

below the my code



mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("not connect");

$date=mysql_query("select date from poll1");


// below the 2 line only add current date so i want insert the last date get the date from db to add 7 days next if person want to insert the another data same thing come to again

$tomorrow = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+7,date("Y"));
$d=date("Y/m/d", $tomorrow);
mysql_query("insert into poll1(question,date) values('$ques?','$newDate')");


Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

For the last date use:

order by datefield desc

For 7 day and more days:

Between Date() And DateAdd("d",-7,Date())

DATE_ADD() ,Add two dates
DATE_SUB() ,Subtract two dates

use the above both functions....

thank you for reply ...
i selected last record in date field ....
next i want add 7 days selected date .i used that function not working ..


mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("not connect");

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM poll1 order by desc");



echo "$dat1";

i want add 7 days selected $dat1 then i want store to db..

thisbelow the code adding only current date but i want add 7 days when ever selected this page ...

$nextWeek = dat1 + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
                   // 7 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60secs
echo 'Now:       '. date('Y-m-d') ."\n";
//echo 'Next Week: '. date('Y-m-d', $nextWeek) ."\n";
// or using strtotime():
echo 'Next Week: '. date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 week')) ."\n"; // this line print after 7 days only not add database date 


mysql_query("insert into poll1(question) values('$ques?')");

use this function and tel me the error:

BETWEEN DATE() AND DateAdd("d",-7,DATE())

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