ClimaxBeetle 7 Newbie Poster

How long does it take to count 1 billion?
Determine the amount of time it takes the program.

Int i,j,k, count=0;
For (i=0; i<N; i++)
	For (j=0; j<N; j++)
		For (k=0; k<N; k++)

to complete in your programming environment, for N=1000, and 1000. If your compiler has optimization features that are supposed to make a program more efficient, check whether or not they do for this program.

However, this code below was the cheapest and the cheating way to fulfill how long will it count to 1Billion.

for k in 1..1000000000
   print k," "
print "\n"

Note, this is my first time to get up close and personal with Ruby, not just the Ruby in RPG Maker XP.