marangajared 0 Newbie Poster

I want to upload or import an excel file to the local SQL Server database. My problem is that I have an x64 computer and this connection/Provider,

"Provider=Mocrosoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"data Source=" & Server.MapPath("ExcelImport.xls") & ";" & _"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

does not work simply because of OLE DB thing which do not work under x64 machines..

Is there any other version, say an sql provider that I can use? or any other way to do the same from ASPx form? However, I am able to pick the file from its location only that I can view it nor can I upload it.

Kindly help the poor man. I am Kinder new in ASP.NET.

Thank you