mayu 0 Newbie Poster

i have one problem in retrieving updated data from textbox which in in iterate tag.

this code is in jsp page which is part of table:

<logic:present name="effortForm" property="activity" >

<bean:size id="size" name="effortForm" property="activity" />

<logic:greaterThan name="size" value="0">

<logic:iterate id="result" name="effortForm" property="activity">
<td  align="left"> &nbsp; <bean:write name="result" property="activityname" /></td>								
<td><html:text name="result" property="day1" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day2" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day3" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day4" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day5" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day6" ></html:text></td>
<td><html:text name="result" property="day7" ></html:text></td>



<html:submit ><bean:message key="button.update"/></html:submit>&nbsp;

the form code(EffortForm):

private ArrayList activity=null;
	private String activityname=null;
	private int day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7;

public ArrayList getActivity()
        return activity;

	public void setActivity(ArrayList act)
	    this.activity= act;

	public String getActivityname()
        return activityname;

	public void setActivityname(String act)
	    this.activityname= act;
	public int getDay1()
        return day1;

	public void setDay1(int day)
	    this.day1= day;
	    System.out.println("day1" + this.day1);

	public int getDay2()
        return day2;

	public void setDay2(int day)
	    this.day2= day;
	    System.out.println("day2" + this.day2);
	public int getDay3()
        return day3;

	public void setDay3(int day)
	    this.day3= day;
	public int getDay4()
        return day4;

	public void setDay4(int day)
	    this.day4= day;
	public int getDay5()
        return day5;

	public void setDay5(int day)
	public int getDay6()
        return day6;

	public void setDay6(int day)
	    this.day6= day;
	public int getDay7()
        return day7;

	public void setDay7(int day)
	    this.day7= day;

now i hav got two action for this jsp page:
1) one which is called before the jsp page loads to show data on page load
2) after i click update on jsp page

action 1:
i am retrieving from the db in form of arraylist and showing it on jsp page. this is working fine.

public class EffortLoadAction extends Action
	public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
		EffortForm effortform=(EffortForm)form;					
		EffortDb effortdb=new EffortDb();		
		Connection conn=effortdb.getConnection();		
		effortform.setActivity(effortdb.getActivity(conn, effortform.getSdate()));		
		return mapping.findForward("success");

action 2:
here i want to retrieve back the updated data from jsp page.

action 2 update code(EffortAction):

public ActionForward update(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request, 		    HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception	
		EffortForm effortform=(EffortForm)form;
		EffortDb effortdb=new EffortDb();		
		Connection conn=effortdb.getConnection();		
		ArrayList list=effortform.getActivity();
		Effort eff=new Effort();
		for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
			System.out.println(i + "-" + eff.getActivityname() + " " + eff.getDay1() + " " +  eff.getDay2() + " " + eff.getDay3() + " " + eff.getDay4()+ " " + eff.getDay5()+ " " + eff.getDay6()+ " " + eff.getDay7());	
		return mapping.getInputForward();

EffortDb and Effort are model class.

problem is in action2 ...when i do the necessary changes in the textbox and then click update, i am not getting the updated data of the textbox.

Please help asap.... how to get the updated changes on action page.


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