arunajasmine 0 Newbie Poster

i am using the Plugin Content Bookmarker downloaded from ... ugins.html for my site.

Some of the Articles are able to Bookmark like if i click on the Bookmark (twitter) , it directly bookmarks in Twitter with Some description of the Article where some of the Articles are not bookmarked instead it just links to

Code :


// no direct access

     defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

    $mainframe->registerEvent( 'onAfterDisplayContent', 'plgContentBookmarker' );


       function plgContentBookmarker( &$row, &$params, $page=0 )


   $plugin = & JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'bookmarker');

   // Load plugin params info

   $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);

$id    = $row->id;

     $desc_tags = addslashes(str_replace("\n","",  $row->title ));

   $desc_tags = trim($desc_tags);

   $desc_tags_space= str_replace(',', ' ', @$desc_tags_space);

   $desc_tags_semi = str_replace(',', ';', @$desc_tags_semi);

   $desc_tags_space    = str_replace('  ', ' ', @$desc_tags_space);

   $description1       = strip_tags( $row->introtext );

   $description2       = str_replace("'", '', strip_tags($description1));

   $description       = str_replace('"', '', strip_tags($description2));

$markme_title = $desc_tags;

   $markme_ddesc = substr($description,0,400).'...';


$baseurl = JURI::base();

   $title       = $pluginParams->def('title', 'Book Mark this Article');
        $facebook    = $pluginParams->def('facebook', '1');

   $twitter    = $pluginParams->def('twitter', '1');

            $html.= '<div  onmouseover="javascript:if(document.getElementById(\'divShowAddBookmarker'.$id.'\').style.display ==\'none\'){document.getElementById(\'divShowAddBookmarker'.$id.'\').style.display =\'block\';}"

               onmouseout="javascript:if(document.getElementById(\'divShowAddBookmarker'.$id.'\').style.display ==\'block\'){document.getElementById(\'divShowAddBookmarker'.$id.'\').style.display =\'none\';}"

               id="divShowAddBookmarker'.$id.'" style="display:none;position:absolute; background-color:#F4F4F4;width:240px;padding:3px;border:2px solid #999999;z-index:999">

         <div style="padding:2px;">';

   if( $facebook == 1 ) {

      $html.= '<div style="width:115px;float:left">

      <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" onclick="\'\'+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+\'&amp;t='.$markme_title.'&amp;d='.$markme_ddesc.'\');return false;">

      <img style="vertical-align:bottom;padding:1px;" src="'.$baseurl."plugins/content/smart_bookmarker/facebook.gif".'" title="Facebook" name="facebook" border="0" id="facebook" alt="" />

               '.JText::_( 'Facebook' ).'




   if( $twitter == 1 ) {

      $html.= '<div style="width:115px;float:left">

               <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" onclick="\'\'+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+\'-'.$markme_ddesc.'\');return false;">

                  <img style="vertical-align:bottom;padding:1px;" src="'.$baseurl."plugins/content/smart_bookmarker/twitter.gif".'" title="twitter" name="twitter" border="0" id="twitter" alt="" />

                  '.JText::_( 'Twitter' ).'





   $html.= '<div style="clear:both"></div>




   return $html;



In the CODE $markme_ddesc is used to give the status message which is the actual portion of the content which is tweeted ..

I had a doubt whether this $markme_ddesc is used to make the issue..
Is it so.. Please suggest me..

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