youlichika 0 Light Poster

I use wordpress 3.0.1 and install Exec-PHP plungin.
I edit the code in admin panel- pages - html cede. I want to add some javascript in a custom page. when the code use two ampersand. it occupy wrong. `& &` become `& # 0 3 8 ; & # 0 3 8 ;`(the original code has no space) How to solve this problem? thanks.

for(i=0;i<3;i++){   var l=a.length;   //alert(l);   var iNum=parseInt(Math.random()*l);   //alert(iNum);     b[i]=a[iNum];   if(iNum==0&amp;&amp;iNum+1!=l){a.shift();}else if(iNum+1==l){a.pop()}else{a.splice(iNum,1)}   //alert(b[i]);   document.write(b[i]);