maria_megha 0 Newbie Poster

can you explain with a simple example what is jsp pagination?
i ve been trying to understand the folowing code in a project..pls help

int pageNoPerPage=0; // Per page only 5 Page Numbers will display

pageNoPerPage=numPages/2; // 9/2 => 4 page no per page
pageNoPerPage=(numPages/2)+1; // 9/2=>4+1 pages

if(startIndex + numRecordsPerPage < numRows){
<%= "N " + startIndex %> - <%= increment - 1 %>
<%= "N " + startIndex %> - <%= numRows %>
<%increment += numRecordsPerPage ;


<%if(startIndex != 1) {
<td width="12%" >
<a class="linktxt" href="javascript:ajaxFunction(<%=startIndex-numRecordsPerPage%>,<%=numRows%>,<%=numRecordsPerPage%>,<%=pageNoPerPage%>)">Previous</a>
<td width="12%" >&nbsp;</td>
<% }
if(startIndex + numRecordsPerPage <= numRows){
<td width="12%" >
<a class="linktxt" href="javascript:ajaxFunction(<%=startIndex+numRecordsPerPage%>,<%=numRows%>,<%=numRecordsPerPage%>, <%=pageNoPerPage%>)">Next</a>
out.println("Matching Record Not Found!!");
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