manish250 0 Junior Poster in Training

hello all

I am having a problem when i download the files from the browser there are 2 blank lines on top and 2 blank lines in the last.while in the original file on the system there is no
blank line.Code is as follows

Thanks in advance

<jsp:useBean id="campaign" class="com.cellebrum.campaginManager.hourlyMIS" scope="page"/><jsp:setProperty name="campaign" property="*"/><%@ include file="authentication.jsp"%><%@ page import ="java.util.*"%><% String strDateTime = request.getParameter("strHour");
        //System.out.println("success logs:"+strDateTime+"");
String date=request.getParameter("strDate");
  System.out.println("date is"+strDateTime+"");
  String strCli = request.getParameter("strcli");
   String strFileName = strCli+"_success_"+strDateTime+".txt";
   String strSuccLogs = "";
ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
    array = campaign.getYesterdaySuccLogs(strDateTime,strCli);
    Iterator itr = array.iterator();
        strSuccLogs = (String);
    strSuccLogs =strSuccLogs.trim();
     out.println("No Data present");
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