vlowe 0 Light Poster


i am trying to filter my gps history points.

i would like to ignore points if they are too close to the previous position.

i can do this like so.

$old_lat = $old_long = "0";

                 foreach($history['data'] as $record) {

//calculate distance in meters
$distance = distance($record['latitude'], $record['longitude'], $old_lat, $old_long, "V");

if($distance >= 300) {
echo 'add(jQuery(this), number += 1, "' . date("d-m-Y @ h:i:s",$record['timestamp']) . '", "map_post.php?n=' . $name . 'u=' . $history['user'] . '", "' . $history['user'] . '", "' . $record['latitude'] . '", "' . $record['longitude'] . '");';
$old_lat = $record['latitude'];
$old_long = $record['longitude'];

the problem with the above is that if i arrive home at 6pm on friday and stay outside my house for 24hours, it will show the latest position as at 6pm on fri.

i would like it to show the 6pm friday position but with a date 'from and to' time like (28/10/11 18:00 - 29/10/11 18:00) rarther than just (28/10/11 18:00) which looks inacurate.
