Member Avatar for vinodvalluri
<script src=""  type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript">
var $k = jQuery.noConflict();
    var geno3 =$k('#tmp').val();
            if(geno3=='filename') {
                   $k('#tmp1').attr("placeholder", "Ex: 'ICC8937_Read1.fastq.gz' etc");
        if(geno3=='runno') {
                   $k('#tmp1').attr("placeholder", "Ex: '2,4' etc");
        if(geno3=='projectid') {
                   $k('#tmp1').attr("placeholder", "Ex: 'ceg001,ceg002' etc");

Search the Database with any one of the following option:

<form id="Basic_search" action="qcsearch.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="Basic_search" method="POST"> <input type="radio" name="Search_opt" value="keywrd" /> <select id="tmp" name="key1" onchange="SetText(key1,word1)"><option selected="selected" value="projectid">project id</option><option value="runno">run no</option><option value="filename">file name</option></select>: <input id="tmp1" type="text" name="word1" size="30" placeholder="Ex: 'ceg001,ceg002' etc" /> <center> <INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Reset"> <input style="align: center;" type="Submit" value="Search" /></center></form> 
Member Avatar for vinodvalluri

i want to search a table by using above radio button, plz anyone can help in this.

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